• television

    the first tv was invented in March 25, 1925. The poeple that invented it are Philo Farnsworth & Charles Francis Jenkins.
  • who was the person who invented the tv

    who was the person who invented the tv
    this guy is Philo Farnsworth he invented the first tv to the world.
  • where the first tv was made at

    the first tv was made in germany
  • the first tv channel

    the first tv channel
    NET was the first tv channel on any tv.
  • first tv with remote

    first tv with remote
    the first tv remote was called a Zenith and it only had four buttons on it.
  • who invented the first flat screen

    who invented the first flat screen
    Donald Bitzer invented the first flat screen tv in the month of July 1964.
  • the first flat screen tv invented

    the first flat screen tv invented
    this is the first flat screen tv invented each one was 15,000$
  • What a tv looks like today

    What a tv looks like today
    this is a regular flat screen tv that we use or have today.