Plessy Vs. Ferguson
Homer Adolph Plessy, who was 7/8 caucasian took a seat in a "whites only" train car. He refused to move and was arrested, Plessy vs Ferguson allowed "seperate but equal". Also known as segregation to become law in the U.S.
http://www.oyez.org/cases/1850-1900/163us537 -
Brown Vs Board Of Education
The Supreme Court ruled that "seperate but equal" schools for blacks were not equal, segregation by law violates the 14th amendment. schools in the South now had mixed classes.
http://www.pbs.org/wnet/supremecourt/rights/landmark_brown.html -
Murder Of Emmet Till
14 year old Emmett Till was reported flirting with a white cashierat a grocery store.4 days later two white men kidnapped Emmett who brutally beat, shot and tossed his dead body into water. Till's murder and opened casket emerged the Civil Rights movement.
http://www.law2-umc.edu/trials/tillaccont-html -
Rosa Parks & The Montgomerry Bus Boycott
Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a full Montgomery bus. Which resulted in her getting arrested. Since mostly blacks rode the bus, the boycott made bus companiesn loose 65% of their money, the boycott lasted a year because they started car pooling.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/54b.asp -
Founding Of Southern Chrristian Leadership Conference & Martin Luther King
The southern Christian Leadership Conference was a civil rights organization, held by Martin Luther King. It was formed after the Montgomery bus boycott. It was to encourage the black to vote, and to challenge segregation.
http://www.sclcnational.org/our-history/ -
Little Rock Nine & Central High School
It was led by Daisy Bates, nine students broke through racial barriers to become the first black students to attend little rock high school. This foundation was created to promote equality of education for all. 8/9 black students successfully completed the school year.
http://www.blackpast.org/aah/little-rock-crisis-1957 -
Greensboro Sit-In
This event sparked future nonviolent protestants, four black sat down in a whites only" lunch counter. Their goal was to stop the unfair treatment of blacks. Finally after six months the peaceful protestors were finally served.
http://www.core-online.org/history/sit_ins.HTm -
Student NonViolent Coordinating Committee & Freedom Summer
This event was created by students, it led civil rights organization that worked for desegregation through sit ins and civil disobedience. Their goal was to coordinate a nonviolent attack on segregation and other forms of racism.
http://www.ibiblio.org/sncc/ -
Freedom Ride/ Freedom Riders
The reeedom riders were Africann Americans amd white protesters who traveled by bus through Alabama and Mississippi and protested segregation. It helped bring both races together after they were beaten or the bus was on fire. -
March On Washington
250,000 blacks and whites protested segregation and job discrimination against blacks in the nation. Also to pressure congress to pass the civil rights bill. It was significant because it brought thousands of blacks and whites in peaceful protest of racial injustice.
http://www.pbs.org/newshour/extra/2003/08/the-march-on-washington-for-jobs-and-freedom/ -
Civil Rights Act
These polocies designed to protect people from arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by the government. Banning segregation in public facilities as well as racial discrimination. These laws represent a national commitment to end discrimination.
http://www.crf-usa.org/black-history-monthly/thecivil-rightsact-of-1964 -
Assasination Of Malcolm X
Malcolm X's was assassinated while giving a speech in New York City. The assassins were to be black Muslims. Although this was never proved. He changed the views of Americans about the Civil Rights for black liberation.
http://www.nol.org/xfiles -
Voting Rights Act
This act was sighned by president Lyndon Johnson. This act outlawed the literacy tests at polls. It also authorized federal examlrers to order the registration of blacks required equal voting acces to everyone.
http://www.civilrights.org/voting-rigths/ -
Assasination Of Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King was shot on his balcony in Morphis TN. He was seen as a threat to those who opposed civil rights. His assassination later let to an increase of angered black Americans.