Heritage: Grandma Bigonia
My Grandma Bigonia was twelve in 1940. She didn't have a part in the war. -
Period: to
Leonhardt WWII
Invention of the Color Television
The inventor of the color tv was Peter Goldmark. He led the CBS reseachers to create a tv that had color unlike the old black and white ones.
Picture from: http://televisiontime.wordpress.com/1940s/ -
WWII Events: Denmark and Norway invaded
Denmark and Norway were both invaded by Germany on April 9, 1940. Denmark was first to surrender, surrendering in the same day, while Norway was able to hold Germany until June 9, 1940 when they surrendered.
Picture from: http://www.scantours.com/maps.htm -
Famous People:Abbott and Costello
Abbott and Costello were two comedians that worked very well together and were and are still very famous. After becoming famous during the late 1830s, Universal Studios signed them in 1940 for the movie "One Night in the Tropics."
picture from: http://www.economicnoise.com/2012/08/18/abbott-and-costello-economics/ -
Heritage: Great Aunt Barb 1st Birthday
On July 1, 1941 my Grandma Donovan's sister was born. She is My Great-Aunt Barb. -
Invention of the Jeep
The invention of the Jeep was in Willy's Truck Company by Karl Pabst to help the military. They created this because the army was in need of a fast, lightweight, and all terrian vehicle.
picture from: http://www.netcarshow.com/jeep/1940-willys_quad/ -
WWII Events: Tripartite Pact
Germany, Italy, and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact. The Tripartite Act says that through the next ten years they will cooperate with each other to reach the same goal.
picture from: http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?522081-The-Sun-Never-Sets-on-the-British-Empire/page2 -
Heritage: Grandma Donovan was born
On November 8, 1940 my mom's mom was born. she was named Elieen Mary Sliney. -
Heritage: Grandpa Leonhardt was born
On November 11, 1940 my dad's dad was born. He was named Robert Marshall Leonhardt. -
World Event: Roosevelt Elected
President Roosevelt was elected for the third time in the 1940 election. This was controversial because there was an unwritten rule that the president would stay for only two terms. He went on to be elected in the 1944 election also.
Picture from:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_D._Roosevelt -
Invention of Deodorant
On January 28th, 1941, Deodorant was invented by Jules Montenier. This, with a bit of improvement, still is used to reduce body odor.
picture from http://entertainmentocd.blogspot.com -
Invention of the Aresol Spray Can
The aresol spray can was invented by Lyle David Goodloe and W.N. Sullivan. It is still used today in evveryday things like hairspray.
picture from: http://ryanseslow.com/posts/ -
WWII Events: Bulgaria joins
On March 1st, 1941 Bulgaria joins the war. They join the Axis and begin to fight in this war. Picture from:http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time-zone/europe/european-union/bulgaria/map/index.htm -
World Event: Rocket Aircraft sets a record.
The Messerschmitt ME 163 A rocket aircraft set a new speed record. This record was 623 miles per hour. picture from:http://acepilots.com/german/me163.html -
World Event: Manhattan Project begins
The Manhattan Project began in 1941. The Manhattan Project was a series of experiments that led to the creation of the Nueclear Bomb.
picture from: http://mindblowingscience.com/brain-food/edward-teller-and-the-manhattan-project/ -
Heritage: Great Aunt Pat's 6th Birthday
On May 31, 1941 was My Aunt Pat's 6th birthday. Because she was so young during this time, she was not in the war or has much memory of this time. -
WWII Events: Soviet Union Invaded
On June 22, 1941 the Soviet Union was invaded by Nazi Germany and it's partners. Bulgaria did not help in this invasion.
Picture From:http://sevodnya.com/russian-language-in-the-post-soviet-space-out-of-sight-not-quite-out-of-mind/ -
Famous People: Joe DiMaggio
Joe DiMaggio was a famous baseball player during this time. He still holds the record for the 56 game hitting streak that he had from May 15th to July 16th 1941. picture from:http://www.luxist.com/tag/Joe+DiMaggio/ -
Famous Person: Bette Davis
Bette Davis was a very famous actress during this time period. She starred in many movies including "The Little Foxes" that was released on August 21, 1941.
picture from: http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/bette-davis/images/229522/title/bette-davis-wallpaper -
Famous People: Bing Crosby
Bing Crosby was a famous singer during this time period. He is most famous for his song "White Christmas" that he released on Christmas Day, 1941. This song is still popular today and multiple singers have redone this song, but the original still is just as popular as it originally was.
picture from:http://www.nndb.com/people/651/000026573/ picture from: http://www.nndb.com/people/651/000026573/ -
Heritage: Great Grandpa rejected
After applying to go into war, my Grandma's dad was rejected to go into war. Great-Gradnpa Sliney was rejected because he had flat feet. -
Invention of the Electronic Digital Computer
The first verion of the digital computer was invented in 1942 after years of work. Both John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry built this over a timespan of five years on the University of Iowa State campus. picture from: http://www.xtimeline.com/evt/view.aspx?id=383878 -
Heritage: Grandpa Donovan was born
On April 8, 1942 My grandpa was born. His name is John Donovan and he didn't have a part in the war. -
Famous People: Yogi Berra
Yogi Berra was a famous baseball player in this time when baseball was a popular sport. He was first hired by the St. Louis Cardinals in 1942. picture from:http://sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot.com/2011/01/yogi-berra-was-right-rumor-of-big-bad.html -
WWII Event: Japanese halted
In June of 1942, the American and British soldiars were able to stop the Japanese. They did this when the Japanese were halfway through the Pacific Coast.
picture from:https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ja.html -
Famous People: Billie Holiday
Billie Holiday was a famous singer during this time. On this date she recorded a song called "Travlin' light" which she was forced to release under the psydonym Lady Day because she was under contract with Comlumboa records, but was not releasing this song with their company.
picture from: http://open.spotify.com/artist/1YzCsTRb22dQkh9lghPIrp
Picture From:http://tekstovi-pesama.com/billie-holiday/0/7052/ -
WWII Event: Battle in Egypt
The US and British Soldiars defeated the Germans and the Itailans in the battle in Egypt from October 23rd to the 24th. Picture From:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Egypt -
World Events: Bhola Cyclone
In October 1942, there was a hurricane in India that is ranked the 4th deadliest. This hurricane killed 40,000 people.
picture from: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:November_1970_Bhola_Cyclone.jpg -
Invention of the Aqualung
In 1943, Emily Gagnan and Jaques Couseau invented the Aqualung. The Aqualung is an underwater breathing apparatus. This version was the first ever open circut model. picture from http://vintagedivertreasures.com/VDTdecalPage1.htm -
World Event: Penicillin First Used
In 1943, Penicillin was used for the first time to treat a patient sucessfully.
pciture from:http://haicontroversies.blogspot.com/2011_07_01_archive.html -
Famous People: Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth was a famous actress and dancer during this time period. She was known as the Hollywood Princess because of her struggles with Columbia records. At one point she was banned for nine weeks with no pay because she refused to play a certain role. This was during the time that the actor/actress didn't get to choose their roles. Picture from: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/rita_hayworth/pictures/13897894/ -
Heritage: Grandma's Cousin in War
During this time my Grandma Donovan's cousin named Raymond was fighing in the war. -
Famous People: Frank Sinatra
Frank Sinatra was a famous singer during this time period. He was signed to Columbia Records in 1943 and became very famous with his solo singing career. picture from: http://www.last.fm/music/Frank+Sinatra -
WWII Event: Offensive by Germany
The Nazi Germany started an tank attack on the Soviet Union. The Soviet Unioin was able to stop it within a week. They then began to plan their own attack.
picture from:http://www.thecrosshairstrader.com/2009/06/understanding-stock-market-moving-averages-with-the-crosshairs-trader-and-forrest-gump/ -
WWII Event: Sicily
The United States and the British troops arive in Sicily. They gain control in just a month, during August.
Picture From:http://goeurope.about.com/od/sicily/l/bl_sicily_map.htm -
World Event: Lucien Pissarro Dies
Lucien Pissaro died on July 10, 1943. Lucien was an influencial painter of impressionism.
Picture from:http://cultura.culturamix.com/arte/lucien-pissarro -
Invention of SIlly Putty
Silly putty was invented by engineer James Wright when he was trying to produce a synthetic rubbber. picture from: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5068080 -
Heritage: Grandpa Bigonia
My Grandpa Bigonia was in this war. He was not fighting, but rather fixing and creating airplanes. -
Invention of the Kidney Dialysis machine
The kidney Dialysis Machine was invented in 1944 by Willem Kolff. The kidney dialysis machine is a michine that, if the kidney's fail, will work to do the job that thay have stopped doing. picture from: http://purpleopurple.com/inventions-and-inventors/artificial-kidney.html -
Famous People: Jeck Benny
Jack Benny was a fmaous comedian during this time period. He was known for his comic timing. His comedy had a big influence on the comedy of the era. picture from: http://planetyesteryearotr.blogspot.com/2011/06/jack-benny-episode-english-butler.html -
Heritage: Grandpa's Uncle in War
Around this time my Grandpa Donovan's Uncle Tony had joined the war. He was actively fighting. -
Invention of Improved Synthetic Cortizone
In 1944, Percy Julian invented an improved Synthetic Cortsone. He invented this to treat rheumatoid arthritis. pcture from http://en.wikinoticia.com/lifestyle/beauty/106994-cortisone--is -
World Events: Hurricane
There was a hurricane that had the biggest effect in the water in 1944. This caused the fatality of 344 people and tipped over many naval ships.
picture from: http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2012/tropical-cyclones-0117.html -
Famous People: Humphrey Bogart
Humphrey Bogart was an amazing American actor that was very popular during this time period. He is known as a cultural icon to many Americans. picture from:http://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/humphrey_bogart/ -
World Event: President of the US dies
Franklin Delenore Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945 after having a severe stroke. picture from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_D._Roosevelt -
WWII Event: Soviet Offensive
The Soviets start their final attack on April 16, 1945. They encircle Berlin and fight.
Picture from:http://mapsof.net/map/berlin-map#.UUqGS6l3-H8 -
Invention of the Atomic Bomb
The atomic was invented by Albert Einstien. It was first used on July 6th after about six years of trying to create, through what was called the MAnhattan Project, the Atomic Bomb. -
WWII Event: Japan Surrenders
Japan finally surrenders after breaking their promise to surrender in August.
Picture from:http://history.howstuffworks.com/world-war-ii/japan-surrenders-world-war-2-ends7.htm -
World Event: Truman as President
After Franklin Delenore Roosevelt died, the Vice President Harry Truman became the president of the United States, becoming the 33rd preident.
picture from: http://tlc.howstuffworks.com/family/harry-s-truman-national-historic-site.htm -
World Events: UN Founded
The United Nations was fouded in 1945 after WWII. The United Nations was to replace the League of Nations and wanted to prevent another trgic war like this.
picture from: http://www.wnd.com/2009/02/87929/