Apr 15, 1452
Leonardo Da Vinci born
Leonardo Da Vinci was born in a small town called Vinci, Italy which was just 25 miles west of Folrence. Leonardo was born Illegitimate to Caterina and Ser Piero da Vinci (meaning his parents were not married). Ser Piero was a notary of Florence and Caterina was a peasant girl, so they never did marry.
This is significant because it is the start of Leonard's life.
Source: (Gilbert 437) -
Jan 1, 1453
Constantinople falls to the Turks
Constantinople the capitol of the Byzantine fell to the Turks in 1453. During it's peak the empire stretched about 1.4 million miles and the population was about 30 million peope. This event is significant because it was the decline and end of the Byzantine empire.
Source: (Beck 282-283) -
Jan 1, 1470
Leonardo begins as an apprentice to Andrea de Verrocchio
At first Leonardo's father did not want him to be a painter, he wanted him to be a lawyer. To convince his father, Leonardo painted a dragon his walls. Seeing Leonardo's talents, his father apprenticed him to Andrea de Verrocchio,
a famous Florentine painter, sculptor, and architect. This event is significant because it is the whole start of Leonardo's career.
Source: (Thomas 52) -
Jan 1, 1475
Leonardo da Vinci helps create "Baptism of Christ"
When Leonardo first finished his apprenticeship, he stayed in Verrocchio's shop as an assistant. The "Baptism of Christ" was a collaboration with Verrocchio. Leonardo is responsible for painting one of the angels in the picture, and putting the final touches on Jesus' flesh. This event is significant because it is Leonardo's first work of art.
Source: (Gilbert 438) -
Jan 1, 1481
Leonardo da Vinci hired to paint "The Adoration of the Magi"
When Leonardo was hired to paint "The Adoration of the Magi" he was still in Florence in 1481. The painting was supposed to be for the friars of the Florentine monastery. Like many of Leonardo's works, this painting was never actually completed. This event is significant because it is one of Leonardo's more famous pieces of art.
Source: (Krull 41) -
Jan 1, 1482
Leonardo leaves Florence and goes to Milan
In 1481 Pope Sixtus the 4th summoned the "best"Tuscan artists to work in the Vatican. Botticelli, Ghirlandaio, Signorelli, Perugino, Pintoriccnio, and Cosimo Rosselli were called, but Leonardo wasn't. Leonardo realized that he wasn't goung to get the he deserved he left Florence. He went to Milan to work and seek the patronage of Lodovico Sforza. This event is significant because it marks a milestone in Leonardo's life when he starts over in Milan.
Source: (Wallace 17) -
Jan 1, 1484
The Plague Hits Milan
The plague epidemic hit Milan in 1484. The thought cause of the plague was overcrowding and filth in the city. Between 1484 and 1485 the plague killed over 50,000 of Milan's inhabitants. This event is significant because the plague was a huge epidemic in Europe that killed many people.
Source: (Wallace 55) -
Oct 12, 1492
Christpher Columbus lands in the Americas
Columbus left Spain on August 3rd, 1492 in hopes of finding a quicker route to the East Indies. When he landed in the Americas, he thought he had landed in the East Indies, but really was in the Bahamas area of the Carribean. Even though Columbus didn't find a new way to Asia his voyage was still significant because it prompted more exploration and the wide exchange of political and cultural ideas.
Source: (Beck 480-483) -
Nov 1, 1493
Leonardo creates "The Horse"
In November, 1493 Leonardo completed a full size model of an equestrian statue called "The Horse" for the Sforzas. When Leonardo exhibited this model at the marriage festivities of one of the Sforzas, he became instantly famous. "The Horse" was never actually completed and it was destroyed in 1499 by the French. This event is significant because it is one of Leonardo's more well known works of art even though it was destoyed.
Source; (Wallace 77) -
Jan 1, 1498
Leonardo creates "The Last Supper"
"The Last Supper " was a beautiful piece of art depicted on the wall in the dining room of the Church of Santa Maria z delle Grazie. "The Last Supper " is a painting that depicts Jesus and his 12 disciples sitting at the feast at the moment when Jesus says "One of you will betray me". This event is significant because it is one of Leonardo's well known peices and it is on of the most beautiful works of art in the world.
Source: (Thomas 57) (Wallace 82) -
Jan 1, 1498
Vasco da Gama reaches Calicut
Vasco da Gama reached Calicut on the southwestern coast of India in 1498. He and his crew were amazed at the spices, gems and silks they found in India and took many of these back to Portugal. This is significant becuase his exploration gave Portugal a direct sea route to India.
Source: (Beck 466) -
Jan 1, 1502
Montezuma the 2nd becomes emperor of the Aztecs
Montezuma the 2nd was crowned emperor of the Aztecs in the city of Tenochtitlan. When he bacame emperor the Aztec empire was very large, and this created problems for the Aztecs. The population in Tenochtitlan was rapidly growing, but the empire was weakening. This event is significant because it marks the beginning of the decline of the Aztec empire.
Source; (Beck 406) -
Jan 1, 1503
Leonardo paints the "Mona Lisa"
Later in Leonardo's life he created his most famous painting, the "Mona Lisa". The painting was of a woman named Madonna Lisa who was the third wife of a Florentine merchant. The "Mona Lisa" still hangs in the Louvre in Paris today. This event is significant becase it is one of the most famous paintings in the world.
Source: (Wallace 126, 140) -
Period: Jan 1, 1510 to Jan 1, 1513
Leonardo sketches anatomical drawing of embryo
Leonardo sketched a drawing of an embryo in a womb between the years 1510 and 1513. During this time Leonardo dissected many human bodies and made many anatomical drawings. This event is significant because Leonardo's drawing of the embryo is so accurate it is still used in medical textbooks today.
Source: (Wallace 103) (LiveScience) -
Jan 1, 1511
Africans become slaves in the Americas
The first case of the Africans being brought to the Americas for slavery happened in 1511. This happened after Columbus discovered America and many Europeans started colonizing the Americas. This also happened around the time of the Columbian Exchange. This event is significant because it is the start of slavery in the Americas.
Source: (Beck 502) -
May 2, 1519
Leonardo da Vinci dies
Leonardo da Vinci died on May second in 1519. He died in Ambiose, France at the age of sixty- seven. This event is significant because it is the end of Leonaro's life.
Source: (Thomas 63)