Jean-Lamarck is born.
Lamarck advocated a theory of evolution which included the idea that traits could be acquired and then passed along to offspring. -
Charles Darwin leaves for the Galapagos Islands as a naturalist.
After graduating college, Darwin has the opportunity to board the HMS Beagle as the ship's naturalist. After nearly being rejected by the ship's captain, he succeeds in his goal. -
Ernst Haeckel is born.
Haeckel was an influential zoologist whose work on evolution served to inspire some of the racist theories of the Nazis. -
The HMS Beagle reaches its location
The HMS Beagle, with Charles Darwin aboard, finally reaches Galapagos Islands. -
Darwin returns from his voyage to the Galapagos.
After his trip to the Galapagos, Darwin returns to England with his new knowledge. -
Darwin decides to write his book earlier than expected.
Charles Darwin received a monograph from Alfred Russel Wallace which essentially summarized Darwin's own theories on evolution, thus inspiring him to publish his work sooner than he planned. -
Charles Darwin publishes "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection".
Darwin publishes his book and reports his findings to the public in the form of his book. The book was a success and all 1,250 copies were sold on the first day. -
Church Debate over Darwin's Theory of Evolution
Thomas Henry Huxley and Bishop Samuel Wilberforce of the Church of England engaged in their famous debate on Darwin's theory of evolution. -
Charles Darwin dies.
Darwin dies and is buried in Westminster Abbey, his legacy leaves in impact his as one of the main figures behind evolutionary theory. -
Tennessee debate over the role of evolution studies in public school
After a Tennessee governor banned the teaching of evolution theory in public schools and John Scopes violated such laws, the infamous Scopes Monkey trial began in Dayton, Tennessee. -
The Pope speaks about evolution.
The Pope issued the encyclical Humani Generis, condemning ideologies which threatened Roman Catholic faith but allowing that evolution did not necessarily conflict with Christianity. -
Epperson v. Arkansas Trial
The Supreme Court found that Arkansas' law prohibiting the teaching of evolution was unconstitutional because the motivation was based on a literal reading of Genesis, not science. -
McClean v. Arkansas Trial
A federal judge found that Arkansas' "balanced treatment" law mandating equal treatment of creation science with evolution was unconstitutional. -
Edwards v. Aguillard
In a 7-2 decision, the Supreme Court invalidated Louisiana's "Creationism Act" because it violated the Establishment Clause. -
Webster v. New Lenox
Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that school boards have the right to prohibit teaching creationism because such lessons would constitute religious advocacy.