legislation time line

  • National Enviromental Policy act

    National Enviromental Policy act
    *law that promotes the enhancement of the environment and established the President's Council on Environmental Quality *it was mainly pased due to the santa barbara oil spill
    * it is a national legislation
  • clean water act

    clean water act
    *it is a national legislation
    *is the primary federal law in the United States governing water pollution.
    *it was mainly created to stalish base for regulating water pollution , it gave EPA more authority to regulate pollution in general , it was used to fund money for swage treatment
  • soil and water conservation act

    soil and water conservation act
    National Legislation
    * it was mainly passed because of the growng demand of soil , water and resources that come from these
    * requires USDA to periodically prepare a national plan for soil and water conservation on private lands based on an inventory and appraisal of existing resource conditions and trends.