Legends of Tecumseh

  • Period: to

    The Story of Tecumseh

  • Tecumseh is Born

    Born in March, but no exact date is known.
  • Tecumseh's Father Falls

    Tecumseh's father, Pukeshinwah, mysteriously goes missing. It is later identified that he was killed by white invaders. This motivates Tecumseh to fight back against white invasion.
  • Period: to

    The Struggle for a Place to Live

    Tecumseh and his family move after being invaded by white men, but struggle after finding three different locations that had already been attacked and burnt to the ground.
  • Battle of Wabash

    Tecumseh led a band of natives against U.S. General Arthur St. Claire and took roughly a thousand American lives.
  • Battle of Fallen Timbers

    U.S. soldiers ambush natives and take a major victory over Tecumseh.
  • The Treaty of Greenville

    After suffering great losses, the Treaty of Greenville was signed and gave Americans native land. Tecumseh didn't show up at the signing and promised to do all he could to stop the Americans.
  • Recruiting an Army

    Though Tecumseh's current forces were big, they were not enough to stop American. Tecumseh gathers many tribes and his army grows as he is considered their leader.
  • Tecumseh's Armies Continue to Grow

    Tecumseh was desperate and went to the south gather the Five Civilized Tribes on his side. The army would have been unstoppable even by the Americans, but rather only a fraction of Creeks were willing to join.
  • Period: to

    The War of 1812

    This war would involve Natives, Americans, and British, and it would be fought over western soil. The Americans would fight the British and Natives for land.
  • Tecumseh Dies

  • Battle of Thames

    The Americans take a large victory over Natives and British. This war would be the war that would end Tecumseh and his confederacy.
  • The Downfall of Native Americans

    Leaderless, the natives were lost and constantly in danger. Eventually arriving to their ultimate downfall.