Lex Romania Burgundionum - Gundobad
Merged Germanic and Roman law, would develop into the basis of Western law in Modern society. -
Justinian Code - Corpus Juri Civilis
Commentaries on the Laws of England. William Blackstone
Blackstone was one of the foremost legal scholars of his time, publishing multiple commentaries on the English Common Law and one of the first to have the majority of the laws bound in print within a series of books. -
Napoleonic Law
Based on Roman law, the laws were modernized in France with Napoleon's code and this focused on all matters of law. Ranging from criminal to private to civil legal procedures. -
The Concept of Law. H.L.A Hart
An English legal scholar that contributed to modern commentary on law within the Commonwealth, expanding how democratic society institutes a judicial system separate from the monarchy. A proponent of positivism and how morals have a role in the legal framework. -
Texts, Cases, and Materials on Sex-Based Discrimination. Ginsburg.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a legal scholar and U.S Supreme Court Justice. Prior to the bench, she practiced private law and further advanced the rights of women in the workplace, battled in sexual harassment and discrimination cases and provided commentaries on family rights act.