Plastic pollution coverpage

Legal Framework To Tackle Plastic Pollution

  • London Convention

    London Convention
    Forbids waste dumping in the ocean.
  • MARPOL Convention

    MARPOL Convention
    Prevent ships from throwing garbage in the ocean.
  • Convention on Biodiversity

    Convention on Biodiversity
    1- International framework to fight plastic pollution.
  • Honolulu Strategy

    Honolulu Strategy
    Framework for a global collaborative effort to reduce impacts of marine debris worldwide.
  • SDG 14.1.1

    SDG 14.1.1
    Pushes countries to struggle against marine plastic pollution.
  • UNEP

    Resolution to stand-up against marine plastic and micro plastics.
  • UN Clean Sea Campaign

    UN Clean Sea Campaign
    Invite private and public actors to voluntary reduce their plastic pollution.
  • Charleroi Declaration

    Charleroi Declaration
    G7 commits to drastically reducing the plastic released in the ocean.
  • G20

    Encourages a legally binding international framework yo fight marine plastic pollution.