4 Months
Start My Charity for My College -
5 years
Graduated High School, Rough Draft of My Law Finished -
9 Years
Done with College, Finished my Final Draft of Law -
17 years
Finished Grad School, Start building my University, Passed My law in almost ever single country -
23 years
Passed my law in every single country, Finished College and start enrolling students into my University -
33 years
Get profit from my job and my University. I will start making blueprints for the centers for the special needs people who don't want a job. The center will be people that will love and care for the special needs people. -
55 years
Make my centers for the Special needs people in each country. -
150 years
99% of the special needs people are now graduating college and getting jobs that they like. The 1% that don't have a job live with their parents having the money sent by my University to them personally. The others go to a center where they are loved and cared for until the day that they die. And I will be dead passing on my University to a trustworthy person that I will meet along the way of life.