Legacy of WWII Project

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    Rise of Dicatators

    Four men rose to dictatorship. Hitler - Germany, Stalin - Soviet Union (Russia), Tojo - Japan, and Mussolini - Italy.
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    An event that occurred and systematic murder by the Nazis of Jews and others. Millions died, and millions were sent to caps.
  • Hitler's Pact w/ Stalin

    Hitler's Pact w/ Stalin
    Hitler and Stalin realized they have much to gain if they work together so they join forces by signing a non-aggression pact w/ each other.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    Even though the US and Japan had been heading on the road to war for decades, US was not too happy with Japans attitude towards things. After months of planning and practising, Japan took a surprise attack on Pearl Harbour.
  • FDR Day of Infamy Speech

    FDR Day of Infamy Speech
    Due to the recent attack on pearl harbour, Franklin D Roosevelt made a speech explaining that the US would be joining the war, and tried getting people to join.
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    Japanese Internment Camps

    After 9066 executive order was made by FDR, this called for the internment and exclusion of all Japanese Americans.
  • D-Day Invasion

    D-Day Invasion
    The US sent a fleet of troops to Omaha Beach. The Germans anticipated this and happened to have a very strong defense. a hopeless two-front war that ended with over 6,000 american casualties.
  • Atomic Bomb

    Atomic Bomb
    A nuclear bomb made that had a giant radius, 5 miles. The US bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki with these bombs.