Legacy of WWII Project

  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor in Hawaii was attacked suddenly by Japanese planes. Nobody thought Hawaii would be attacked and was unprepared. This attack is what brought America into the war
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    Japanese Internment

    Following the Pearl Harbor attack, FDR ordered that japanese people be taken and put into internment camps. Racism and mistrust of the japanese people as a whole led to this event.
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    Battle of Midway

    The Battle of Midway was a decisive victory for the allied forces. The US navy successfully repelled a Japanese naval attack.
  • D-Day

    D-Day was when the allies invaded Normandy, France. Many men were lost during the invasion, but the battle was a decisive victory.
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    Battle of the Bulge

    The battle of the Bulge was the last major attack from Germany. Hitler attempted to split the allied forces using blitzkrieg. The allied forces instead of being split apart, grouped up in what resembled a "bulge", giving the battle its name.
  • Death of Mussolini

    Death of Mussolini
    Benito Mussolini was captured and hanged by Italian resistance forces, and forced Italy to surrender in the war
  • Hitler Death

    Hitler Death
    Hitler committed suicide because he was losing the war, and this effectively forced Germany to surrender
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    Atomic Bombings

    Towards the end of WWII, America dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. The first atomic bomb hit Hiroshima on August 6th, and after a few days of silence from Japan, America dropped another atomic bomb on Nagasaki.