Legacy of WWII Project

  • Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany

    Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
    The Nazi Party gains control, essentially making Adolf Hitler dictator of Germany.
  • Germany invaded Poland, WWII begins

    Germany invaded Poland, WWII begins
    On Sept 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland under the orders of Adolf Hitler and WWII officially begins. . On Sep 3, 1939,France and Great Britain declare war on Germany. By June 9, 1940, Germany has taken control of Denmark and Norway. They use quick strikes called “blitzkreig” to then take the Netherlands, Belgium and Northern France.
  • The Axis Alliance is formed, Russia attacked

    The Axis Alliance is formed, Russia attacked
    In June of 1940, Italy enters the war as a member of the Axis powers. In July Germany launches an air attack on Great Britain. In Sept 1940, Germany, Italy and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact, creating the Axis Alliance. They attack Russia in June 1941 with over 4 million troops
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    On December 7,1941 the United States Navy was attacked at Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. The next day the United States joins the Allies in WWII
  • The Allies fight back and begin to take control

    The Allies fight back and begin to take control
    On June 4, 1942, the US Navy defeats the Japanese Navy at The Battle of Midway. In July of the same year, the Allies invade and gain control of Sicily. In September of 1943, Italy surrenders but Germany continues to fight.
  • D-Day and Normandy

    D-Day and Normandy
    June 6, 1944, the Allies invade France and successfully push back German forces. By the end of August, Paris is free from the Germans. In December of the same year, the Germans launch a large attack against the Allies in The Battle of the Bulge. The Germans lose. In February of 1945 the US invaded Iwo Jima and gains control.
  • Roosevelt and Hitler die, Germany surrenders

    Roosevelt and Hitler die, Germany surrenders
    US President Franklin Roosevelt dies in April of 1945. President Truman takes over. Realizing that Germany has lost the war, Adolf Hitler commits suicide on April 30th, 1945. On May 7, Germany surrenders to the Allies.
  • Atomic Bombs and the end of the war

    Atomic Bombs and the end of the war
    In August of 1945, the United States drops the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. The city is destroyed. Another is dropped on Nagasaki three days later. On September 2, Japan surrenders to Douglass MacArthur of the United States, signaling the end of the war.