Nov 17, 1497
Giovanni Caboto claims Newfoundland
Caboto claimed the land for Britain, which means the colonization of that area. Later, there would be a competition for land between the European countries. I chose this event because it has affected Canada, and this event sparked the beginning of Canada. If Caboto had not found Canada first, then perhaps Canada would never be created. -
Aug 31, 1535
Jacques Cartier claims the shores of St. Lawrence River
Cartier claimed the territory along the river for France, and this territory later would be called Quebec. If Cartier had not claimed the land, Britain or another country would come and claim it, then there would be no Quebec today, and Canada would not have its diverse bilingualism. -
Oct 20, 1546
Beginning of fur trade
European sailers often landed in coastal areas, to stock up on food and water. While they stayed, they met the First Nations people, and traded some materials with each other. Usually, the contacts were friendly, and both sides were benefited. I chose this event because it represents the beginning of fur trade, which changed the Europeans and the First People's lives. It also shows globalization, by exchanging new materials. -
Jun 5, 1561
During the second half of 1500's, European men started to wear felt hats in many ways. Since felt was made from beaver fur, the demand for it was very high, leading to the near destruction of European beavers. Then European hat makers directed their attention to New France, to collect more furs. I chose this event because it left a legacy: this led to the beginning of fur trade, and the globalization in Canada. Also, the legacy of Canada's national animal comes from this. -
The Seven Years' War Begins
The competition between Britain and France took to a new whole level, which caused war between those two nations. This war also left legacies in countries who were involved. Britain captured New France, Cape Breton Island, and Florida; this made the British superior in colonial regions. I chose this event because this incident developed and created legacies in Canada's history, proving the great power that Britain had during that time. -
The Seven Years' War ends
The war ended, and the areas of North America were mostly dominated by the British. The British dominating Rupert's Land, Newfoundland, Quebec, and Nova Scotia impacted and left a legacy in Canada's history. -
Quebec Act of 1774
This act allowed the French civil law to be remained, which means the long-lot system to continue until the 1800's. This has left a legacy in our history because farmers were able to keep using the long-lot system, because of this act. -
Mercantilist policies were followed by France and Britian, and was maintained in Canada. This meant that the resources from Canada were to be shipped to their home country. Which means people from outside could not get their hands on the products from Canada. This left a legacy on Canada's historical globalization because the policies might have helped develop Canada; or slowed the development of Canada because of the limited economy. -
The Destruction of the Beothuk
The day when a woman named Shawnadithit died, the Beothuk was annihiliated. This has impacted the legacy of globalization in Canada, because the Beothuk was a native group from this country, but was decimated in their own country, which means their legacy stopped in 1829. -
Assimilation of First Nations
Few years after Confederation, the government wanted more settlers to come to Canada, but they needed more land to ensure the success of the plan. So the government attempted to assimilate them into the "main" society If First Nations weren't assimilated into the society, their legacies would've continued without disruption, but now, many of their legacies are part of the "cruel" procedure of assimilation, for example, residental schools. -
Depopulation of First Peoples
Many First Nations were affected by the Europeans, for example, many bands such as Blackfoot and Cree, were obliterated by the smallpox disease. This has affected the globalization of First Nations, there were so many bands across Canada, but now there are only a few bands/number of First Nations in Canada. -
The Canadian government made treaties for the First Nations, to negotiate peacefully. This was caused by the declining population of buffalo and fur animals, plus the depopulation of many by diseases. The treaties usually was about money for land, an approach created by the government. The treaties made a legacy, because the First Nations were "forced" to sign the treaties, and if they refused to sign them, the treaties would not have existed today, thus affecting the First Nations today. -
The Indian Act
Residential schools
Started in 1880s, residential schools were created for the First Nations children, in an effort to assilimate them by the Canadian government. This has caused a change in the legacy of First Nations, and Canada as well. The children that attended the schools will not be able to carry on the traditions of their ancestors anymore. -
The policy of Multiculturalism in Canada
This policy was created in order to emphasize the importance of immigration. Immigration is an important legacy of historical globalization, people from many areas in the world migrate to Canada. This has given Canada a vast of diversity of cultures, languages, perspectives, and beliefs. -