Legacies of historcial globalization in canada

  • Period: Jan 1, 1492 to Dec 31, 1492

    the first meeting

    it changed the abroiginal way of life.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1497 to Dec 31, 1497

    frist land claimed

    Govanni Caboto, Or Johna Cabot, calimed the island of newfoundl land for britain
  • Period: to

    The Royal Proclamation 1763

    the French and British were competing for control of lands in North America. The two colonial powers formed strategic alliances with First Nations to help them advance their respective colonial interests in the continent
  • Period: to

    Treaty No. 1 & Treaty No. 2

    Treaty one covers Mantoba as it existed then. Treaty two covers areas needed for expansion and settlement in the west and north of the Province