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  • 1200 BCE


    The Trojan War is a war between Troy and Sparta. Odysseus was the captain for Sparta. Odysseus and his men had to return to Sparta. After they fought and won. In the image you see the Trojan horse. Troy had won the war there for they named it.
    This is the reason Odysseus was away for ten years. Then he took another ten years to get home. Since he was gone twenty years people (suitors) assumed he was dead.
  • 1200 BCE

    Lotus Eaters

    Lotus Eaters
    Odysseus was traveling home back to Ithaca when he fell upon the Lotus eaters. The Lotus Eaters were always in a daze(high). Odysseus told his men not to eat of the Lotus for then you be forever trapped and forget the importance of getting home.
    Most of Odysseus' men did not listen to his warning so most ate of the Lotus, So it took them longer to get back home.
  • 1200 BCE


    After the Lotus Eater Odysseus and his men came upon the homes of the Cyclopes. Odysseus wanted to know where they on his side or not. They treated him with hospitality even though he ate some of them. Once the Cyclops was drunk they cut out his eye so he could not see and open the door.
    Odysseus and his men was cursed for bragging.
  • 1200 BCE

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind

     Aeolus- Bag of Wind