Lebanon Formed
Frances granted the mandate for Lebanon and Syria to exist, forming the State of Greater Lebanon. -
Lebanon proclaims independance
Lebanon proclaims its independence from France. -
Lebanese independance day
France relinquishes remaining control over lebanon. -
Fighting breaks out between Palestine and Lebanon
Fighting breaks out between Palestinian commandos and Lebanese army over Lebanese threats to curb Palestinian activities in Lebanon. -
Civil war in Lebanon
Lebanon erupts in civil war between Christians, Muslims, and Palestinians. -
Syria sends troops to end ci9vil war
First Israeli invasion of Lebanon
Israil invades because of many anti-israel groups operating within lebanon -
US Marines and French troops blown up
241 U.S. Marines and 60 French soldiers killed when a truck filled with military explosives was driven into their compound. -
Syria withdraws troops
In the summer, Syria withdraws nearly all of its 25,000 troops from Beirut and surrounding areas. But 20,000 troops, remain in the countryside.