League of Nations

By TOmaxxx
  • League of Nations creation

    After the treaty, one of the agreed agreements was the League of Nations which was to maintain peace and order in the European, American, Asian and African countries to avoid another war altogether.
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    League of Nations

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    Vilna Dispute ( Oct 7, 1920 ) Upper Silesia Dispute ( Mar 20, 1921 ) Aaland island Disputes ( Jun 1, 1921 ) Corfu Dispute ( Aug 31, 1923 ) Bulgaria dispute ( Oct 1, 1925 ) All these disputes were the ones that gave the LON theme and movement to be able to work and were the first disputes after the creation of LON
  • Germany Joined

    Germany after having made the "mistakes" in World War I, permanent countries like France and the United Kingdom gave permission to join however this was long after its creation
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    It is a 1928 international agreement in which the signatory states promised not to use war to resolve "disputes or conflicts of any reason, which may arise".
  • Manchuria crisis

    It all begins with the Mukden incident where the Japanese railway tracks are exploited, as a result of which Japan begins with all its forces to attack and dominate the Chinese province of Manchuria.
  • Japan invaded Manchuria

    Finally Japanese takes dominion of this province and the league of nations enters this problem and declares that the fault is really Japanese, the province does not return to Chinese domination until the end of the second world war.
  • Soviet Union joined LON

    the Soviet Union was not welcome to the League of Nations for its socialist thoughts but then the Assembly approved the Council's proposal for the Union to become a permanent member.
  • Japan withdraw from LON

    After what happened in Manchuria, China requests the intervention of LON, this causes Japan to leave the organization with Germany
  • Germany withdraw from LON

    The arrival of the workers' political parties totally changed German thinking, with Hitler coming to power Germany leaving LON because they were not in agreement with the peace treaties signed in Paris (Germany finally unites with Japan in World War II)
  • End of the League of Nations

    The end of LON was thanks to the departure of so many countries and this generated that LON had no power and with the end of the organization the second war was raised