
Leading to the Revolution

  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    -French settled in Quebec
    -Conflicts occured over frontier land. Brit wanted control of prosperous French fur trade
    -George Wbs sent to protect VA 1754
    -G Wbs met French 40 miles of Fort Duquense
    -G wbs attacked defeated French
    -Began French and Indian War
    -July 4 1754 Frech attacked G Wbs at Fort Necessity
    -French caputred Fort Duquesne
    -French winnig war
    -1765 William Pit led victory battle of Louisbourg
    -Brit victory
    -James Wolfe clifs Quebec
    -Brit gained Quebec and Montreal
    -Brit won the war
  • The Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation of 1763
    -English law prohibiting colonists settling west of the Appliation Mountains
    -Law reconized Native Americans owned the land
    -Only licensed people could operate fur trade in this area
    -Law wanted to prevent fightin with the Native Americans, Brits didn't have enough money to ingage in war or well trained soldigers to defend
    -English wanted colonial settlements near the sea so they would take part in the mercantile, system trade with English
    -Colonists angered, risked lives, obtained this land
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    -British lost alot of money providing aid in te French and Inian War
    -Decided to tax the colonists to get lost money back, colonists should pay for the British defending them
    -This act was created by George Grenville
    -First tax for the Colonies
    -Tax placed on sugar imported from the West Indies
    -Led to many protests in the colonies
    -Protests led to lower taxes
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    -Raised money for new Military in America
    -Money raised was used to pay for defending Americans on the frontier near the Appilation Mountains
    -Stamped paper
    -Stamped important docuements such as newspapers, cards, legal documents, ext.
    -Total of 50 items that were required a stamp
    -Payment of tax
    -Angered colonists, stamp act riots against tax collectors
    -Nonimportation agreements
    -British have been paying this tax for years, and have been paying even more than the Americans
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    -Colonists had to provide food and shelter for British troops who were staying in the colonies
    -Colonists had to provide troops with bedding, cooking utensils, firewood, beer, cider, and candles.
    -In 1766 this law required colonists to provide troops in unoccupied houses and taverns
  • The Stamp Act Congress

    The Stamp Act Congress
    -Held in New York
    -9 colonies sent delegates
    -27 delegates total
    -Delegates expressed their opposition twoards the Stamp Act
    -Created Declaration of Rights and Grievances
    -Step closer to colonial unity and attempt to problem solve
  • The Declaratory Act

    The Declaratory Act
    -A law that declared Parliament's authority over the colonies
  • The Townshend Act

    The Townshend Act
    -Created by Charles Townshend
    -Light tax on imported glass, lead, paper, paint, and tea
    -British used money to pay for royal salaries in the colonies. Paid royal governors and the court
    -Colonists protested and botcotted
    -Angered colonists smuggled goods
    -British troops were sent to enforce these law and maintain control and peace
  • British Troops Occupy Boston

    British Troops Occupy Boston
    -British troops travel to Boston to enforce the Townshend acts as well as maintain control over the colony
    -Wanted to control radicals, stop smuggling, and maintain peace
    -Two regiments of British troops were sent to Bonston
    -Locals didn't like this
    -lead to Boston Massacre
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    -Tensions grew between Brittish troops and colonists
    -Brit troops sent to Boston to enforce Townshend Act, maintain control, and peace.
    -10 red coats
    -60 colonists
    -Colonists taunted the red coats, threw snowblls and rocks at them, hit them with clubs and verball attacked them
    -Red coats opened fire when taunted
    -11 victims (all colonists, men and boys)
    -5 killed
    -6 wounded
    John Adams defended Brit soldiers in court.
    -Soldiers found not guilty
  • Townshend Acts Repealed

    Townshend Acts Repealed
    -Townshend Acts were repealed
    -All taxes taken away with the exception of tea
    -Colonists were still angry, found this offensive
    -Boycotts and violence continued
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    -English gave the East India Company a monolpoy to the importation of tea to America and lowered the duty for imported tea
    -Thought colonies would pay tax than give up tea
    -3 ships came to Boston
    -200men dressed as Indians and dumped the tea
    -Dumped 342 boxes of tea into th water
    -England was furious
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    -5 Acts created by King George III to punnish the colonists for the Boston Tea Party
    -TheBoston Port Bill: King George III closed the Boston Harbor to all but British ships until the colonists paid for all the money lost from the Tea Party
    -Quartering Act
    -The Administration of Justice Act: British Officials could not be tried in colonial courts, they would have their trials back in Britain
    -Massachusetts Government Act: British Governor in charge of Boston, no more self government
    -Quebec Act
  • The Quebec Act

    The Quebec Act
    -Many French colonists under British rule, esp in Quebec
    -The French here were given religious freedom
    -The French Civil code was allowed in Quebec, however English law was effective in criminal matters
    -Boundaries of Quebec were extended south to Ohio River
    -AngeredAmerican colonists who were steeled there, they could no longer take part in developing settlements or the prosperous fur trade
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    -Carpenters Hall, Philadelphia
    -12/13 colonies attended
    -Georgia didn't go, Royal Gov of GA prevented delagates to attend
    -lasted 7 weeks
    -unify colonies, reactions to Intolerable Acts
    -Ben Franklins polital cartoon Join or Die
    -colonies agreed to boycott Brit goods
    -composed statment of colonial rights, identify Brits violation to rights, plan to convince Brit to restore rights
    -did not seek independence
    -agreed to meet again if Brit did not change polocies
    -King denied access to fishing area
  • The Battle of Lexington

    The Battle of Lexington
    -British general sent troops to Lexington
    -Goal for the British was to obtain gunpowder
    -colonial minutemen weren't prepares fast enough
    -extremly short battle
    -British succeeded in obtaining gunpowder
    -8 colonists were killed and some others were injued
  • The Battle of Concord

    The Battle of Concord
    -Brit Gen. Tom Gage sent 700 soldigers to steal ammunition colonists stored in Concord
    -Brits also wanted to arrest Adams and Hancock
    -Joe Warren sent Paul Revere to warn the John's
    -Paul lit one lantern= Brit comming by land & two lanterns=Brit comming by sea
    -Colonists organized minutemen, prepared for Brits
    -John Parker=leader of the minutemen were greatly out numbered by Brits
    -minutemen from other towns attacked Brits going to Boston
    -Brit fled, colonists won
    -73 Brit dead
    -49 patriots dead
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    -lead by John Hancock
    -all the 13 colonies attended
    -65 delagates total
    -Discussed military, ways to better organize, ways to raise money for paying soldigers and getting supplies
    -Elected George Washingtion to be the leader of the Contentinal Army
    -Washington was worried about being the leader, he knew it would be difficult
    -Discussed creating an alliance with the French
    -Discussed the idea of printing paper money
    -Wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill
    -Aka Breeds Hill
    -The most important colonial vitory, a moral victory
    -Colonists heard British were going to attack Bunker Hill
    - Colonists sent 1500 men to defend themselves
    -Colonists held off two British charges, forced to retreat the third charge because they ran out of ammo
    -British gained control over Bunker Hill, however suffered great loses
    -226 British killed
    -828 British wounded
    -Colonists sent an olive branch after as a symbol of peace
    -August 1775 King declared colonies in rebellion
  • Thomas Paine's Common Sense

    Thomas Paine's Common Sense
    -Thomas was a patriot
    -Book was a best seller sold 120,000
    -Challanged the authority of the British Government
    -Book powerfully suggested that the colonies break away from Britian and become independent
    -Argued that it doesnt make sense for a smaller nation to control a larger one
    -Didn't like the set up of the British government
    -Purposed a republic
    -Book was modeled after a sermon and contained Bible references to attract people