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Leadership Wrap-Up Project

  • Period: to

    Trimester 1

  • Music At Lunch on Fridays

    Playing music at lunch every Friday was probably a class favorite as it was a fun and enjoyable way to celebrate the fact that we had all made it through another week of school. It was also a way to come together as a class by deciding on music choices, what was working, and also what needed to be improved. All in all, playing music at lunch has definitely brought us together as a class when making decisions on music, body guards, and making sure it is a safer environment for students at lunch.
  • Presenting To Advisories

    Throughout the entire school year we presented to different advisories on different occasions. These presentation ranged from joining a google classroom to updates and reminders about the dance. But through these presentations we gained great skills in reaching an audience and, lucky for us, we were able to work with a range of grade levels to figure out what it took to reach different audiences and get their attention.
  • Challenge Day Assembly

    The Challenge Day Assembly was organized to regroup as a grade and reflect on Challenge Day. The main point of the assembly was to make sure that, as a grade, we were carrying on what we learned about others from Challenge Day to support our classmates and to be more aware of the battles everyone around us was going through.
  • SMART Goals

    Our SMART Goals were a way for us to set a specific and personal goal that we wished to achieve within the first trimester. We documented every step towards our goal and once we had finished, we summarized the experience and why that goal was important to us.
  • Period: to

    Trimester 2

  • Bake Sale

    The Bake Sale, while it backfired, taught our class a great lesson. While it didn't go as planned and some could even say it failed, we learned that through discussing our mistakes, doing reflections, and criticizing ourselves for what we did wrong, if we had stayed positive, looked on the bright side, and had tried to learn from our mistakes we could have hosted another bake sale. We all eventually realized that dwelling on the negatives, in any situation, wasn't going to get us anywhere.
  • "How To" Videos

    Our "How To" videos were a project that strengthened our script crafting skills, video editing skills, and acting skills. We took somewhat simple tasks and broke them down, creating in-depth tutorials about how to complete our given tasks.
  • Lollipop Moments

    Lollipop Moments was a branch off from the challenge day assembly. It was a way for students to recognize others and how the acts of kindness others made really benefited people's happiness and smiles. By giving students an opportunity to thank someone anonymously or signing their name, we are encouraging gratefulness in the real world which will benefit not only ourselves, but society itself.
  • Spirit Week

    At the end of the second trimester, the leadership class held a spirit week in which students could get creative and show school spirit by dressing up for the spirit days. A spirit day included on Wednesday we wear pink for breast cancer awareness. This was a great way to increase our school's already beaming school spirit and giving students a creative outfit for a week on how they could dress and what they could wear to school.
  • Class Cold Call

    We were assigned groups and topics where we would research our given topics and create questions for a stimulated "Cold Call" interview to help prepare for our Interview A Leader project that was to be assigned. This assignment, along with the Interview A Leader project itself, was a great learning experience and strengthened our collaboration skills and communicating with people who we might not necessarily know very well or at all.
  • Event Study

    We were paired up and with our partners we studied a famous event to learn and find ways to make our school dance even better than before. By learning skills such as organizing from the makers of the events, we were able to create a more successful and enjoyable school dance.
  • Candy Grams

    The Candy Grams were a fun way for students to give each other heartfelt messages through a friendship relationship, or possibly something more than that. This was a fun way for leadership students to bond and work diligently together, because that was a major struggle for us at the beginning of the school year. However, by working together and benefiting from each other, we organized and carried out a successful Valentine's Day school event that made a great deal of money.
  • Period: to

    Trimester 3

  • Interview A Leader

    The Interview A Leader project was a project in which leadership students chose a person in the world or their community who they thought were leaders. We had to fill out a graphic organizer with some background information and the basic foundation for our interviews that we would schedule with them. This, as said before, was a great project that strengthened our communication skills in interviewing, collaborating, and even listening when recording the answers of our chosen leader.
  • The Dance

    The Dance that the Leadership class organized was a fun way to spend time with your friends and enjoy a night full of dancing, a raffle, food, fun activities, and a photo booth! Planning the dance came with challenges, though. Such as how we had to post pone the dance a few months because we were not prepared. We also knew that if we rushed ourselves with the first dance it would not have been a great as the second one was. By postponing the dance, we made it even better than it was before.
  • Teacher Appreciation Week

    Teacher Appreciation Week was a creative and heartfelt way for the students in leadership to recognize the fantastic teachers at our school. We hosted a breakfast, made awards and poems, and thanked them in individual and personal ways. Overall, the week was a great way to acknowledge the wonderful leaders at our school.
  • End of the Year Party

    The End of the Year Party was a fun advisory filled with ice cream treats, music, and socializing with friends. It was a great time and was enjoyable for both the leadership students running it and the students who weren't in leadership. It was, pretty much, the last hurrah for our leadership class, but we still approached it with the same energy and attention we would have for any other event.