Leaders and Strategies 28.2


    Behind the Brown vs. Board of Education was the NAACP which is one of the oldest civil rights groups in the US. The group challenged laws that segregated African Americans. They were able to pass two anti-lynching laws and it won a number of legal battles.
  • National Urban League

    This group assisted African Americans that were moving to largely populated cities in America. They helped African Americans move out of the South and ensure a job, housing, and more.
  • CORE

    The group was dedicated to bring change through peaceful confrentation.
  • SCLC

    The SCLC advocated the practice of non-violent protests that were peaceful against the racial policies. Non-violent protestors did not react in anger when attacked. The earlier organization was focused on the North, but was soon focused on the South.
  • Nonviolence

    many leaders preached a policy of non-violence and to not retaliate with fear or anger if they were involved with a protest or the fight for civil rights.
  • Dr. Martin Luther King

    King was a leader of the African American civil rights movement and a symbol of non-violent protests. He played an important role in almost every major civil rights movement.
  • SNCC

    The group was formed for students that were struggling with segregation. Ella baker thought the NAACP and the SCLC were not keeping up with the young African Americans