
  • Period: Oct 22, 1307 to Oct 22, 1324

    Mansa Musa

    Government type: Empire
    Came to power in 1307. During his reign, the Mali territory expanded, and it's population may have reached as much as 40 million.
  • Period: Oct 27, 1444 to Oct 27, 1481

    Mehmed the Conqueror

    Gov type: King
    He captured Constantinople and the territories in Anatolia
  • Period: Oct 22, 1466 to Oct 22, 1520

    Moctezuma II

    Government type: He was an aztec ruler
    He ruled an empire of 5-6 million people.
  • Period: to

    Louis XIV of France

    Gov type: Absolutism
    Was know as Louis The Great or the Sun God
  • Period: to

    Abraham Lincoln

    Government type: 16th president of the U.S.
    He wrote the gettysburg address and emancipation proclamation.
  • Period: to

    Benito Mussolini

    Gov type: Communism
    Was an Italian politician, Joiurnalist, and a leader of the national facist party.
  • Period: to

    Mao Zedong

    Government type: Leader of Chinese communists
    he was chairman of the People’s Republic of China from 1949 to 1959 and chairman of the party until his death.
  • Period: to

    Jawaharlal Nehru

    Government type: Parliamentary Constitutional Republic
    Neru was the first Prime minister of India and a central figure in Indian politics before and after independence. He emerged as a paramount leader of the Indian independence movement.
  • Period: to

    Jawaharlal Nehru

    Government type: Parliamentary Constitutional Republic
    Neru was the first Prime minister of India and a central figure in Indian politics before and after independence. He emerged as a paramount leader of the Indian independence movement.
  • Period: to

    Mobutu Sese Seko

    Goverment type: Totalitarian Monarchy
    Mobutu established a single-party state in which all power was concentrated in his hands.During his reign, Mobutu built a highly centralized state and amassed a large personal fortune through economic exploration and corruption. The nation suffered from uncontrolled inflation , a large debt , and massive currency devaluations. By 1991, economic deterioration and unrest led him agree to share power with oppositions leaders,but he used the army to thwart chan
  • Period: to 461


    Was arguably the most prominent and influentail Great States man.
  • Period: to

    Otto the great

    Government type: Head of the united kingdom
    By his victorious campaigns, he gave Germany peace and security from foreign attack, and the preeminent position that he won as ruler gave him a sort of hegemony in Europe.