Germany annexed Alsace-Loraine, it injured French national pride and provoked a desire for revenge. At the same time, nationalism threatened Austria-Hungary with a dozen nationalists who wanted out. -
Russian Growth
The Russian Army Air Service had become the largest airforce in the world with 360 aircrafts and 16 airships. The caused a threat and Russia felt very secure. -
Assignation of Archduke Ferdinand
Archduke Franz Ferdinand, king of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and his wife Sophie are shot dead in Sarajevo.
The assassinations were done by Serbian nationalists who want to bring the empire's Slav territory into a greater Serbia. -
Serbia Troops Attack
Serbia orders its troops to mobilize while Russia, bound by treaty to Serbia, gets ready for soldiers to be stationed on the Austrian frontier. -
The Armenian Genocide
The Ottomans claimed that Armenian revolutionaries had established contact with the enemy. This caused the Ottoman empire to arrest 240 Armenian leaders in Constantinople and deported them east. -
Treaty of Versailles
Germany was very upset about how they had to pay reparations. They were very angry and wanted a rematch. -
China Communist Party
Chinese reformists had long been curious about and receptive to Western politics. The American liberal visited China at the height of the May Fourth Movement, while British philosopher Bertrand Russell also spent a year in China. -
Japan invades China
Japanese invaded Manchuria to protect their interests in the railroad and the Kwantun Territory. ... Eventually, the Japanese provoked the Chinese. -
Hitler ignoring the deal
Hitler makes a deal with Monich and tries to take over Czechlovaski. This makes Great Britain and France look bad. -
Germany invaded Poland
Germany invaded Poland for more land and Hitler claimed the massive invasion was a defensive action, but Britain and France were not convinced.