Laws and Events Timeline

  • Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

    In this landmark ruling the Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional for schools to segregate students. This established that "separate but equal" is actually unequal and would pave the way for advocates that handicapped children deserved equal education opportunities.
  • ESEA Amendment

    This amendment to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) created a grant program. This grant program was mean to be used to help states to start, improve or expand programs and projects for handicapped children.
  • PARC v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    This was one of two court cases that allowed Congress to see and understand what was happening in regards to special needs education in some states. This case ruled that students with disabilities should be placed in publicly funded school settings that met their individual educational needs, based on a proper and thorough evaluation.
  • Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia

    This is the second court case that caused Congress to begin an investigation into special education in the United States. This case ruled that it was unlawful for the D.C. Board of Education to deny those with disabilities access to publicly funded educational opportunities.
  • Congressional Investigation

    Following the rulings of PARC and Mills in 1971, Congress began an investigation to determine just how many students with disabilities were being underserved in the United States. They found that of eight million children with disabilities only 3.9 million had their needs met in school.
  • Elton John Performed at the Dodgers Stadium

  • Education of All Handicapped Children Act

    This act guaranteed a free, appropriate public education to every child with a disability in every state. It's purpose was to ensure that disabled children and their parents had their rights protected as well as to give states financial incentive to comply with the act. This act came about because Congress was concerned about the nearly 1 million disabled children excluded from the education system and the children with disabilities who had limited access to it.
  • My mom was born

  • Hendrick Hudson Dist. Bd of Ed vs. Rowley

    In this supreme court case it was ruled what exactly a "free appropriate public education" was under EHA. It was concluded that a free appropriate public education meant that school districts had to provide access to specialized instruction designed individually to educational benefit to the child with a disability.
  • Handicapped Children's Protection Act

    This law gave parents of children with disabilities more say in the development of their child’s Individual Education Plan, or IEP. It allowed parents the right to a hearing run by the State Education Department if they felt their child's IEP was unsuitable.
  • Dirty Dancing is Released

  • Reauthorization of EHA

    In this reauthorization the Education for all Handicapped Children’s Act became the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Also, there were several amendments that emphasized providing all students with access to the same curriculum.
  • 9/11 Occurs

  • Noah Kahan Releases "Young Blood"