Forest Reserve Act
It allowed the President of the United States to set aside forest reserves from the land in the public domain. -
The Lacey Act
It prohibited interstate transportation of wild animals, dead or alive without a federal permit. -
Antiquities Act
It allowed the president to protect the areas of scientific or historical interest on federal lands as national monuments. -
National Park Service Act
It established the National Park Service (NPS) as an agency of the United States Department of the Interior. -
Migratory Bird Act
This act makes it illegal to hunt, kill, sell or take and birds feather that are migratory. -
Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act
This required each hunter over the age of 16 to possess a valid federal hunting stamp or license. -
Taylor Grazing Act
This act regulated grazing on public lands -
Soil Conservation Act
Allowed the Government to pay farmers to reduce production to conserve natural resources and prevent erosion. -
International Union for the Conservation of Nature
It has a vision for a world that values and conserves nature. It keeps a list of threatened species, known as the red list. -
Price-Anderson Act
This act governs the liability issues for all non-military nuclear families in the United States before 2026. -
Clean Air Act
It established national standards for states, strict auto emission guidelines, and regulations which set air pollution standards for private industry. -
Wilderness Act
This allowed congress to set aside federally owned land for preservation -
Land and Water Conservation Act
It provided funds to federal, state and local governments for the equation of land and water for the benefit of all Americans. -
Water Pollution Control Act
This established the basic structure for regulating pollutant discharges into the waters of the United States. This gave the EPA the authority to implement pollution control programs. -
Federal Insecticide, fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
This Federal Law sets up the basic US system of pesticide regulation to protect applicators, consumers and the environment. -
Clean Water Act
This law set a national goal of making all natural surface water fit for fishing and swimming. This banned polluted discharge into surface water and required the metals to be removed from waste. -
Marine Mammal Protection Act
This prohibits the killing of all marine mammals in the US and prohibits the import or export of any marine mammal body parts. -
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
It controls the international trade of threatened plants and animals. It was an agreement between 175 countries. -
Endangered Species Act
This provides for the conservation of species that are endangered or threatened in their life and the conservation of ecosystems. -
Safe Drinking Water Act
This set maximum contaminant levels for pollutants in drinking water that may have adverse effects on human health. -
Resource Conversation and Recovery Act
It is the law governing the disposal of solid waste and hazardous waste -
Comprehensive Environment Response, Compensation and Liability Act
This was designed to fund the cleanup of sites that were contaminated with hazardous substances and pollutants -
Land and Water: Green
Animals: Pink
Pulliton and Waste: Blue
People: Orange