Law Timeline

  • 2350 BCE

    Mosaic Law

    The Mosaic Law started around 2350 BC. These laws were the laws given to the Hebrew people. The laws were carved into two stones and restitution was practiced under this law.
  • 1750 BCE

    Code of Hammurabi

    Took place around 1750 BC. This was one of the earliest recorded laws. There were nearly 300 laws carved into stone and when these laws were broken there was very harsh punishments.
  • 550

    Justinian Code

    The Justinian Code started around 550. equality was emphasised under this law. The the was codified for 1000 years of Roman law.
  • 1000

    Feudal System

    Started around the year 1000. The Feudal System was when France conquered England and when the land was divided among nobles. This started judges overlooking cases and lead to a common law in England.
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    This took place around 1215. This was a document made after King John abused powers. This also introduced many different laws including the rule of law.
  • 1265

    Parliament and Statute Law

    This law took place in 1265. Parliament and Statute Law was when they began writing down laws so that the public could read and was also when parliament started.
  • Napoleonic Code

    The Napoleonic Code took place in 1804. The Napoleonic Code was a French civil code and since Napoleon was in control of Europe at the time most European countries followed this code.