Period: to
Hitler's Reign
End of World War I
9 million dead combatants. -
Rise of the Nazi Party
Hitler wrote volume one of Mein Kampf (My Struggle) -
Adolf Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany. -
The Reichstag building went up in flames. Nazis' claimed it to be the beggining of a Comunist revolution. -
First Consentration Camp in Dachau
Frist consentration camp opened in Dachau. -
Jewish shops and buisneses boycotted nationwide. -
Hitler names himself "Fuhrer" over both Government and party. -
Jews Barred
Jews barred from serving in the German armed forces -
Numbering Laws
Numbering Laws enacted. -
Buchenwald concentration camp opened. -
Polish Jews
First Polish Jews deported from Germany. -
Assassination of von Rath
Kristallnacht following assassination of von Rath -
Jews expelled from some Schools
Jewish pupils expelled from German schools. -
Ravensbruck consentration camp for woman estableshed. -
SS St. Louis
Jewish refugees aboard SS St. Louis denied entry to Cuba and US. -
Ghettoization of Polish Jews. -
Star of David
Jews in Poland forced to wear the Star of David. -
The Ghettos
General Governor Hans Frank issued an ordinance that Jews ten years of age and older living in General Govornment had to wear the Star of David. -
Lodz Ghetto
Lodz Ghetto established, sealed in April. -
Concentration camp established in Auschwitz. -
Warsaw Ghetto
Warsaw Ghetto established, sealed in November with 500,000 people. -
Registration of Dutch Jews
Dutch Jews required to register. -
Total Solution
Authority given to prepair a "total solution" to Jewish problem. -
Third Reich
Jews in the Third Reich must wear the Star of David. -
The Camps
Nazis began using gassing vans. -
Rescue and Liberation
In Denmark, 7,220 of its 8,000 Jews were saved by a citizenry who hid them, then ferried them to safty. -
Revolt by Auschwitz inmates. -
Prisoners forced to handle the bodies of gas chamber victoms blew up one of the crematoria at Auschwitz. -
Soviets liberate Auschwitz
Soviets liberate Auschwitz. -
Death of Hitler
Hitler commits suecide. -
Nazi Germany surrenders; end of World War II in Europe. Spring: Liberation of camps. Brittish liberate Bergen Beisen. Americans liberate Dachau. -
Nuremberg war
First major Nuremberg war crimes trial begins. -
The Jews proclaimed the Independent State of Israel as theirs.