My Dog Toby
We got my dog toby in 2003 and he is still living but has bone cancer and has arthridus.My mom did anmimal recuse so we had lots of pets. -
Moved to New Hampton
I moved from Kansas to New Hampton because my parents got devorced.I went to Saint Joes for kindergarden and 1st grade. -
First Stitches trip
I was Playing with this broken broom with medal on the tom and i went to hit the tape because we were playing a game and it cut me and I had to get 5 needles in my lips and I had to get 7 stitches -
Moved to Charles City
I moved to Charles CIty and went to School at IC for 2nd grade. We lived close enough to the school that we could walk -
1st place Swimming
In 2nd grade I started swimming I was so exided at one of my meets I got first. I still swim now, I have got 3 medals from sectionals witch is with half the state and LOTS of ribbons -
Jacob 1lb 5 onces
It was the night before a swim meet and I got a call in the morning that I had a step brother he was born 1 lb 5 ounces and was in bad condition. They didn't know if he would survive, this made it very hard to swim knowing that a brother I had been waiting for would die. With in a week he had had 3 surgrys and he would live he got his oxygyn off at 2 and spent 1 year in the hospital. This event changed my life the most I know knew what I wanted to be a nicu nurse. -
Job Shadow
I won a writing contest about jacob and got a job shadow I learned alot and got to walk areound with a nurse we gave a baby his first bath, drew blood from a baby's foot and I got to talk to the parents of the premature baby's. -
Played IC basketball
On our 5th grade team I started and jumped we only had 5 players so i didn't start out likeing basketball because we had to play the whole time. Basketball wasn't a big sport at IC so we wern't very good. -
finished school at IC
I went to IC from 2nd grade all the way to 6th grade. In the Fsll I would be starting at the middle school in 7th grade. -
New House
We moved to sunset place in June, we now had to construct it and tare out floor witch took alot of the summer. We now had a pond and we could fish and kayak in.We can now drive our gold cart around out subdivition. -
1st @ Softball tourney
I get my Dirvers Lisens
I turn 18 on september 7th 2017 I can now drive! -
I get the house
Buy the time of 2018 Gavin and Regan will be fully moved out!!! -
Graduate Highschool
In 2020 I will be finishing 12th grade -
basketball or softball
In collage I am hoping to play basketball or softball at Iowa. I hope that I can get a scolership. -
Onto collage
I asume I will go to Iowa or Iowa State, and go to be a nurse. -
I will ge ta job at a hospital and working as a nicu nurse. I am hoping to work as a nicu nurse at the iowa hospital -
Get a pet of my own
Once I am out of colllage and living in my own house i am going to get a dog, and maby a cat -
Buy a house
By 2026 I will be home from collage and buy my own house. I am hoping to live in Iowa city. -
Gavin will probly run in collage and keep going from there. He will go run at the Iowa games or some other race to keep running -
My mom will eventualy move to Florida once we all move out of the house because she hates the cold.