Young Adulthood
During this stage of young adulthood, I currently am at the age of 23 years. My goal for Biosocial Development during this age would be to have more experience within society through my student teaching. My Cognitve goals would be to develop an even broader understanding of the area of work I would like to specialize in. My Psychosocial goals is to marry my fiance and to buy a house. -
Middle Adulthood
During this time of my life I will be around 35 years of age. My Biosocial Development goals for this time period would be to have made changes in people lives through my experiences of my passion for children. I will hope to be a good teacher by this time and to have children who will be in grade school. I would like my Cognitive Development to fully understand how to help children learn and grow. My Psychosocial Development by then would be to teach my children right from wrong. -
Late Adulthood
By this time period I will be 65 years of age. My goals for Biosocial Development would be involved in healthy excercise classes and to mange being healthy as I grow older. I would also like to look into retirement homes. My goals for Cognitive Development would be to accept my children for who they are as young adults and to gear them towards their passion in life. My Psychosocial Development would be looking back on my life and thinking about all of the accomplishments I have done.