Latino Rights Movement

  • Delano Grape Strike

    Delano Grape Strike
    Filipino grape farmers, most members of the Agricultural Organization Committee, went on strike in the Delano area, CA to protest poor pay and conditions on the grape farms. They were joined by Cesar Chavez, who led a mostly Latino labor union called the National Farm Workers Association. The five-year long strike was a complete success. In 1970, the grape farm growers signed their first union contracts, granting workers better pay, benefits, and protection.
  • Crusade for Justice

    Crusade for Justice
    Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzales founded the Crusade for Justice, a group that promoted Mexican American Nationalism. The group, centered in Denver Colorado, provided legal aid, a theater, and even a Spanish-language newspaper. It also ran a school that offered children free bilingual classes and lessons in Chicano culture. Gonzales, and the Crusade for Justice, are credited with igniting Chicano nationalism in the southwest.
  • Alianza Courthouse Raid

    Alianza Courthouse Raid
    Reies Lopez Tijerina, and members of Alianza Federal de Mercedes (Federal Alliance for Land Grants) stormed in the Rio Arriba County courthouse demanding justice for the tens of thousands of acres of land belonging to Mexican Americans that was taken away by the federal government. A gun battle broke out and two police officers were wounded. The event brought national attention to the unfair seizure of Mexican American lands...
  • Alianza Courthouse Raid

    Alianza Courthouse Raid
    ...However, Tijerina was arrested for his activities and Alianza eventually broke up.
  • Brown Berets

    Brown Berets
    The Brown Berets, a Chicano activist group formed by working-class Chicano students, began by protesting police violence in East Los Angeles, California. Soon, the group expanded their cause to educational, social, economical, and political issues. By 1970, publicity helped spread Brown Berets to 70 groups across the southwest. However, in 1972 the group disbanded after a series of demonstrations turned violent and the group began to lose support of the Mexican American community....
  • Brown Berets

    Brown Berets
    ...Although the Brown Berets were unsuccessful at ending police brutality, they raised awareness of the struggles Chicanos faced.
  • Crystal City Protest

    Crystal City Protest
    Over 2,000 students in Crystal City, Texas lead a walkout to force the school board to agree to more Mexican American teachers, a bilingual education program, and for their cheerleaders and homecoming queen to be chosen by students. This protest, organized by The Mexican American Youth Organization (MAYO), forced the U.S. Justice Department to resolve the crisis by requiring the school board to meet the students’ demands. The success inspired students in other schools to hold similar protests.
  • La Raza Unida Party

    La Raza Unida Party
    La Raza Unida Party (RUP) was founded by José Ángel Gutiérrez. The party campaigned for better housing, work, and educational opportunities for Mexican Americans. Some RUP candidates were elected to offices in several Texas cities, and the party expanded into other parts of the southwest including Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and California. However, disagreement among members caused the party to fall apart in the late 1970s. Still, it symbolized the growing Chicano power during the decade.