Colombia takes measurments.
On the 26 of February the President Iván Duque Márquez, anounced a campaign to make people aware of Covid-19 and how dangerous it is. It also said that this campaing was created to detect symptoms and create the right measures to take care of it. -
First Infected in Mexico
On February 27 A man of 35 year who came from Italy was presenting sympotms of Coronavirus. -
First case in Argentina
the first confirmed case of cormnavirus in Argentina was a Man of 45 years old who vosited Italy. -
First case in Peru
On march 6 the fist confirmed case of coronavirus on Peru appeared , a man of 25 years who came from a trip around France, Spain and Czech Republic. -
First case in Colombia
On march 6 The Health ministry of Colombia announced the first case of coronavirus. A woman of 19 eyars old who came from Italy. -
Measurement to newly arrived passengers In Colombia.
According to The ministry of Health newly arrived passengers will have obligatory auto-isolation. -
First measurements on Peru
The President of Peru, anounced the suspencion of classes, air flights to Europe and Asia, and the prohibition of the reunion of 200 people or more. -
Measurements in Colombia
The governt and other ministers started to add more measurements in the country such as: the close of frontiers, the extension of some payments such as IVA , declarations etc, also the quik attions and attendances to ill persons and the orinettion for young medics so they can help more people. -
Easter Holidays Mexico
SEP confirmed that will extend Easter holidays and would become 30 days of vacation, which started the 20 of march to april 20. -
The State of National Emergency is established
The president President, Martín Vizcarra informed that measurmnets will be taken such as obligatory social isolation and the closure of all its borders. -
First dead in Mexico
On March 18, 2020, appear the first dead in Mexico. -
Mandatory social immobilization in Peru
The president anounced mandatory social immobilization from 8 o'clock to 5 of morning.Also the supension of car circulation. -
First dead in Peru
On march 19 the forst case of coronavirus in Peru was confirmed, who was a man of 75 years who had hipertension. -
Suspension of presential clases in Mexico
The SEP declare the suspension of clases would be teh 20 of march in all Mexico. -
First dead in Colombia.
On the 21 of march the ministry of health in Colombia confirmed the first death in the country, It was a man of 58 year who worked as a taxist. -
Implementation of measurements in Mexico
On march 24 the Health Secretary declared a serie of measurmnets called National day of healthy distance, which motivated the citiens to stay at home. -
Fase 2
On March 24, Phase 2 was decreed, certain primary activities and works who require a lot of people were suspended, the restriction of massive congregations and the recommendation of domiciliary protection for the general population. -
Obligatory use of mouyh mask in Colombia
The presindent announced that is it obligatory to bring and use your mauth mask where ever people go, but it is more strictly to use it when going on public transport. -
Phase 3 in Mexico
On April 4 the undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez, anounced phase 3 of coronovirus, which extende the National day of healthy distance measurements. -
Measures for starting activities in Mexico
Presented by Andrés Manuel López Obrador as "The new normal" This strategy was created to re start all the economica, schoolar, and social activities in Mexico, -
Colombia authorizes the reactivation of Activities.
Colombia authrized the reactivation of activities in states and place were theres no sign of coronivirus or infected people, the reason behind this is to reactivate some of the economy of the country. -
Return to activities in Peru
The government of Peru confrmed the return of sports, it would be taken by phases. -
https://coronavirus.gob.mx/2020/04/21/inicia-la-fase-3-por-covid-19-2/ -
https://www.estadiodeportivo.com/polideportivo/2020/05/20/peru-coordina-regreso-actividades-deportivas/279355.html -
https://www.minsalud.gov.co/Paginas/Colombia-confirma-primera-muerte-por-coronavirus.aspx -