Latin Quarter 4 Project

  • Period: 27 BCE to 180

    Roman Empire

  • Period: 27 BCE to 68

    Julio Claudian Dynasty

    Agustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero
  • Period: 27 BCE to 14


  • 19 BCE

    Publication of the Aeneid

    Publication of the Aeneid
  • 16 BCE

    Augustus started advancing the frontier of the Roman Empire from the Rhine River to the Elbe in Germany

  • Period: 16 BCE to 6

    Advance Frontier from Rhine to Elbe in Germany

  • 13 BCE

    Augustus Built the Ara Pacis to celebrate Pax Romana (Roman Peace)

    Augustus Built the Ara Pacis to celebrate Pax Romana (Roman Peace)
  • 1 CE

    Birth of Jesus

  • Period: 14 to 37


  • 17

    Tiberius grants Germanicus a Triumph for his military victories across the Rhine River

  • 26

    Tiberius Retires to Capri, growing reclusive and paranoid during the last years of his reign

    Tiberius Retires to Capri, growing reclusive and paranoid during the last years of his reign
  • 33

    Crucifixion of Jesus

    Crucifixion of Jesus
    Tiberius presided over the crucifixion and was emperor at the time.
  • 37

    Caligula becomes ill, turning him into a ruthless leader

  • Period: 37 to 41


    Notable about death: he was stabbed 30 times by his own guard
  • 38

    Caligula Executes Head of Praetorian guard

  • Period: 41 to 54


    Notable about death: it is suspected he was poisoned by Agrippina
  • 42

    New Harbor Built in Ostia, a city near Rome which acted as Rome's main port and harbor

  • 43

    Claudius Commences the Roman Conquest of Britain

  • Period: 54 to 68


    Notable about death: died by suicide, needed help attempting to take his own life
  • 64

    The Great Fire of Rome

    The Great Fire of Rome
    Cause: the early city of Rome had many poorly constructed slums that easily caught on fire
  • 65

    Nero executes St. Peter during the persecution of Christians in Rome

    Nero executes St. Peter during the persecution of Christians in Rome
  • 65

    Baths of Nero Built in Rome, the second public bathing establishment in Rome

  • Period: 68 to 69

    Year of four Emperors

    Galba, Otho, Vitellius, Vespasian
  • Period: 68 to 69


    Killed by his own Praetorian guard.
  • 69

    Upper Germany Denies Galba Customary Allegiance Vote

  • 69

    Galba's own Praetorian Guard is bribed by Otho to kill him, after Galba adopted Lucius Piso Licinianus as his heir

  • 69

    Second Battle of Bedriacum takes place where Vitellius' troops were deafeated

  • 69

    Building of Nero's Golden Palace is Finished

    Building of Nero's Golden Palace is Finished
  • 69

    Battle of Bedriacum with Vitellius- the battle did not go well, and Otho committed suicide to prevent a civil war

    Battle of Bedriacum with Vitellius- the battle did not go well, and Otho committed suicide to prevent a civil war
  • 69

    Started a riot against Flavius Sabinus on Capitoline Hill which resulted in the Temple of Jupiter being burned down

  • Period: 69 to 96

    Flavian Dynasty

    Vespasian, Titus, Domitian
  • Period: 69 to 69


    Notable about death: committed suicide
  • Period: 69 to 69


    Notable about death: attempted to flee Rome, but was killed by Vespasian's men and thrown in the Tiber
  • Period: 69 to 79


    Notable about death: died after catching a cold while swimming
  • 72

    Beginning of Construction for the Colosseum

  • 72

    Vespasian Annexes Kingdoms of Commagene and Lesser

  • 79

    Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius

    Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius
    Under Emperor Titus
  • Period: 79 to 81


    Notable about death: died of a fever, some suspect Domitian poisoned him
  • 81

    Left Rome and went to live in his villa in the Sabine Hills

  • 81

    He finished the construction of the Colosseum through his reign

  • 81

    Titus built the Arch of Titus in the Roman Forum to commemorate his conquest of Jerusalem

    Titus built the Arch of Titus in the Roman Forum to commemorate his conquest of Jerusalem
  • Period: 81 to 96


    Notable about death: killed by conspirators
  • 88

    Domitian sent his army to Dacia where the were victorious

    Domitian sent his army to Dacia where the were victorious
  • Period: 96 to 180

    Five Good Emperors

    Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius
  • Period: 96 to 98


  • Period: 98 to 117


  • 101

    From 101 CE-106 CE, Trajan conquered Dacia in a series of military battles

  • 113

    Trajan dedicated Trajan's Column in honor of his defeat of Dacia and other accomplishments

  • Period: 117 to 138


    Notable about death: died of a heart attack
  • 122

    Hadrian started construction of Hadrian's Wall, a barrier to separate Romans and other tribes

    Hadrian started construction of Hadrian's Wall, a barrier to separate Romans and other tribes
  • 125

    Hadrian completed the building of the Pantheon during his reign, one of the best preserved buildings of ancient Rome

    Hadrian completed the building of the Pantheon during his reign, one of the best preserved buildings of ancient Rome
  • Period: 138 to 161

    Antonius Pius

  • Period: 161 to 180

    Marcus Aurelius