latin american revolutions

By jashske
  • what caused the haitian revolution

    what caused the haitian revolution
    The French Revolution of In France caused The Haitian Revolution of 1791.Many people were dissatisfied with the France, which caused many alliances with friends and enemies.
  • Creole and African slave pact

    Creole and African slave pact
    In August of 1791, slaves in the North Province created a big conspiracy. Creole slaves made a pact with new African slaves and the Voodoo priest, Boukman led the conspiracy.
  • Slaves attack caucasians by cape francois

    Slaves attack caucasians by cape francois
    Maroons and slaves assaulted on the whites on the evening of August 21st because Oge and Chavannes had tried to get the General Assembly to persuade that citizenship included the free persons of color but Oge and Chavannes forces were badly beaten, many of their tiny band of 300 captured and and Oge and Chavannes were murdered. The whole northern area by Cape Francois was in flames. On September 20, 1791 the Colonial Assembly recognized the citizenship of all free people of color.
  • free people of color were given citizenship

    free people of color were given citizenship
    On September 23 the decree was repealed. The Assembly ordered commissioners to go to Saint-Domingue with 18,000 troops and restore control. In December, 1791, they arrived in Saint-Domingue and their position was weaker because they had 6,000 troops. The commissioners could not bring peace to Saint-Domingue with 6,000 troops. France’s problem was to bring unity between the free people of color and the Caucasians against the slaves. On April, 4, 1 the free people of color were given citizenship.
  • grip of the french getting weaker

    grip of the french getting weaker
    in August of 1802 Leclerc ordered Toussaint's general, Jean-Jacques Dessalines and other officers to take the rebel slave's weapons but their attempt failed. Black officers that were in the French military had resigned and turned against the French. Rochambeau who was the son of a famous veteran, had started a campaign that focused on anti-racism.
  • Toussaint and his army defeated !

    Toussaint and his army defeated !
    Toussaint sent his army to the eastern half of the island and while he was there he assembled a whole island commitee and made himself govener in chief for the rest of his life in 1801. Napoleon sent a many troops to Saint-Domingue who were being led by Charles Leclerc in 1802. Toussaint and his army fought the French troops but Toussaint and his army were defeated and he resigned from governership. Toussaint's army joined the French and Toussaint was sent to a jail in France.
  • finally declaring independence for haiti

    finally declaring independence for haiti
    In 1803 France had surrendered on third of the island to the Haitians and in 1804 Dessalines who led the indigenous army, and his generals had proclaimed that Saint-Domingue was now an independent nation and was now called Haiti. When Haiti finally signed a treaty with France in 1825, the major plantations were no longer in use. The Haitian soceity was divided into which were the ex-slaves had now become peasants and administrive, commercial, and military elites who lived in coastal cities.
  • Period: to

    mexican revolution begins

  • mexican revolution begins !!

    mexican revolution begins !!
    The revolution begins in several states in northern Mexico. Thousands of Mexicans flee to El Paso and the U.S.