Latin American Revolution

  • Start of the Haitian Revolution

    Start of the Haitian Revolution
    Jean-JacqesTousaint L'Overture
    he Haitian Revolution began when white owners started to mistreat the African slave. The French Revolution inspire the slave to fight back against their master. The classes from trhe encomienda system that let to the revolution was inslave Africans.The leader of the revolution were Tousaint L'Ovture and Jean-Jacques.
  • End of the Haitan Revolution

    End of the Haitan Revolution
    The haitian revolution ended on the 1 of january 1804
  • Start of the South Revolution

    Start of the South Revolution
    <ahref='' >Jose San Martin</a>ref='' >Simon Bolivar</a>
    he South American Revolution began when Simon Bolivar native Venezuela Declared its independence From spain in 1811. The Ecomienda system That led to the south America revolution was creales.The leaders of the revolution where Simon Bolivar and Jose de sanmartin.
  • Start of the Mexican Revolution

    Start of the Mexican Revolution
    <a href='' >Jose Maria Morales</
    xican Revolution began when Events in Mexico took place in another turn in 1220 in spain.The classes that led the ecomienda system was Mestizos. The leaders of the Mexican revolution was Jose Maria Morales.
  • End of the Mexican revolution

    End of the Mexican revolution
    The mexican revolution ended on september 28,1821
  • End of the South Revolution

    End of the South Revolution
    the end of the south Revolution was in December 9,1821
  • Start of the Brazilian Revolution

    Start of the Brazilian Revolution
    Don PedroKing johnThe Brazilian revolution began when quest of independence was unique in period of Latin America. The classes that led the ecomienda system was Portuguese Royal family.the leaders of the brazilian revolution was King John and Don Pedro
  • End of the Brazilian Revolution

    End of the Brazilian Revolution
    The brazilian revolution ended the same day that it stared in september 7,1822