Latin American Revolution

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    Saint Domingue

    The French Colony Saint Domingue occupied the western third of the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean Sea. 500,000 enslaved Africans worked on French plantations.
  • A revolt emerged

    100,000 enslaved Africans revolted against French masters, in that event a leader stepped up to lead this revolution Toussaint L'Ouverture. Formerly enslaved he rose up to the cause becoming a skilled general and diplomat.
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    French force removes enlightenment power

    30,000 French troops landed in Saint Domingue aspiring to remove Toussaint of his power in Hispaniola, Toussaint agreed only if they remove slavery. Although the French agreed, Toussaint was accused of planning another uprising, and was arrested and sent to prison in the French Alps, where he died April 1803.
  • Royal family on the run!

    Napoleon and his French forces invaded both Spain and Portugal driving the royal family to flee and escape to their colony in South America Brazil.
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    Brazil's Royal Liberator

    The Portuguese royal family ruled Portugal from Brazil for 14 years. After the defeat of Napoleon in 1815 the royal family decided to return to Portugal only for Dom Pedro (the son of King John) to decide to continue living and ruling in Brazil. Brazilians wished to not continue to be a colony and declared their independence bringing it up to Dom Pedro. With a unanimous vote for Dom Pedro to rule he agreed upon Brazil's independence in 1822.
  • A Cry for Freedom

    A priest in a small village named Padre Miguel Hidalgo rang the bells of his village church gathering all the peasants to rebel against the Spanish empire known as "the cry of Dolores". Hidalgo gathered 80,000 men and stormed Spain's armies in an uprising movement. a year later in 1811 Hidalgo's armies was defeated.
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    Rebirth of Hidalgo's Revolution

    Padre Jose Maria Morelos continued Hidalgo's legacy leading the revolution for four years. However, in 1815, he was defeated by Agustin de Iturbide.
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    Bolivar's route to Victory

    Venezuela declared for independence from Spain in 1811 struggling to maintain that status. Bolivar faced two costly defeats and has been exiled but return in 1819 leading 2,000 soldiers through Andes taking the Spanish army from surprise ultimately defeating them. Through his quick wits and strategic mind, he won the independence of both Colombia and his homeland Venezuela in 1821. He meets up with the second brilliant general Jose de San Martin in Equador.
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    San Martin leads Southern Liberation Forces

    San Martin's homeland Argentina had declared their independence in 1816, but the Spanish armies in nearby Chile and Peru still posed a threat. San Martin with the help of O'Higgins marched their armies through Colombia into Chile and freeing them from Spain. San Martin wanted to drive the Spanish out of Peru, to do so he needed a bigger army. San Martin met with Bolivar and combined their forces in 1824 the battle of Ayacucho the unified army won the independence of South America from Spain.
  • Mexico's Independence

    5 years of events occurred in Mexico, when a revolution in the homeland Spain took place Mexico's creoles feared losing their power, they eventually agreed upon Mexico's independence. The person who ended the previous revolution Agustin de Iturbide proclaimed the independence of Mexico in 1821.
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    Central America's back-to-back Independence

    Central America declared their independence from Spain and Mexico, but suddenly an emperor from Mexico Iturbide declined the independence request. In 1823 Iturbide was overthrown and later named themselves the United Provinces of Central America.