Chile gains independence
Argentina gains independence
Peru independence
Bolivia independence
Peru makes guano deal with Europe
The deal benefits Europeans. Peru must bring in Chinese and Chilean laborers due to a shortage -
Chile midcentury economic boom funds railroads and infrastructure
1850s Bolivia experiences stagnant economy even with nitrates
Chile handles most of nitrate business
"ni producen, ni consumen" -
Late 1850s Peru finds nitrates in Tarapaca Peru
Chileans again come to work -
Chincha's War
Spain takes control of guano-rich Chinca Islands
All countries of southern South America form alliance besides Argentina. Beat Spain in 1866 to reestablish independence -
1866-1867 Naval Armament by Chile and subs. Peru
Chile-Bolivia sign land agreement
Establish borer at 24th parallel, demilitarized zone between 23rd and 25th where muchof the nitrates resided -
Peru borrows money, does not invest in infrastrucutre
Chile begins to experience economic stagnation and depression
Peru makes secret war alliance with Bolivia
Peru somewhat motivated by increased Chilean naval power.
Chilean finds out within months -
All Peru income from exportation of Guano funding Balta debt
Chile-Bolivia sign new pact, allowed Bol. to tax between 23-24 parallel but strikes deal with current companies for 25 years, fixed tax rates
Daza takes over in a coup
Prado elected president of Peru
Pinto inaugurated
Daza (Bolivian gvt) imposes 10 centavos per quintal tax on export of nitrates
Minister of Foreign Affairs orders minister to Bolivia to demand revocation of tax
Chile orders warship to Bolivia
Chile probs wih Argentina about Strait of Magellan control