Late Teens&roaring20's

  • the 18th amendment

    the 18th amendment
    banned all alcohol and the creation and sale of it
  • red scare

    red scare
    a series of attacks that came after WW1
  • palmers raids

    palmers raids
    a series of raids resulting in over 6,000 arrests
  • the volstead act

    the volstead act
    an act which banned alcohol
  • treaty of versailles rejected

    treaty of versailles rejected
    the treaty was rejected by seven votes
  • the 19th amendment

    the 19th amendment
    the amendment which gave women the right to vote
  • Fordney Mccumber tarrif

    Fordney Mccumber tarrif
    a law that raised tarrifs on imported goods
  • Warren G. Harding Elected President

    Warren G. Harding Elected President
    an election between Harding and Cox,Harding won
  • washington disarmament conference

    washington disarmament conference
    a conference which resulted in the 4-power treaty,5-power treaty,and the 9-power treaty
  • teapot Dome Scandal

    teapot Dome Scandal
    Albert B. Fall convinced the secretary of the navy(EdwinDenby) to turn the control of the oil fields to him
  • Calvin Coolidge becomes president

    Calvin Coolidge becomes president
    an election between Calvin Coolidge and Robert M. La Follette,Calvin won
  • J. Edgar Hoover appointed director of the Bureau of Investigation

    J. Edgar Hoover appointed director of the Bureau of Investigation
    J. Edgar Hoover was appointed director of the FBI in order to help enforce the law on crime
  • immigration act basic law

    immigration act basic law
    a law that limited the number of immigrants who could be admmited into the country
  • scopes trial

    scopes trial
    a case in which John Thomas Scopes was found guilty and fined $100 for unlawfully teaching human evolution
  • NBC founded

    NBC founded
    it is the national broadcasting network but is sometimes refered to as the "peacock network"
  • Charles Lindberg made first trans-atlantic flight

    Charles Lindberg made first trans-atlantic flight
    first american aviator to fly across the atlantic ocean non-stop
  • Sacco and Vanzetti executed

    Sacco and Vanzetti executed
    Sacco and Vanzetti were executed in the electric chair for first degree murder
  • the jazz singer released

    the jazz singer released
    "it was the first feature-lenght motion picture with synchronized sequences"
  • Amelia Earheart flew solo across the atlantic ocean

    Amelia Earheart flew solo across the atlantic ocean
    amelia was the first female pilot to fly across the atlantic ocean,she used a fokker f7
  • kellogg-briand pact

    kellogg-briand pact
    a pact that renounced the use of war and called for a peaceful settlement between disputes
  • Herbert Hoovers elected president

    Herbert Hoovers elected president
    An election with Al Smith against Herbert Hoover,Hoover won
  • St. Valentine's Day Massacre

    St. Valentine's Day Massacre
    seven men were lined up against a wall and shot with 90 bullets and died
  • black tuesday

    black tuesday
    signaled the 10-year great depression of western industrialized countries
  • the great depression begins

    the great depression begins
    began with the wallstreet stockmarket collapse,it caused market prices around the globe to plumet
  • harlem renaissance

    harlem renaissance
    a cultural movement performed by african-americans that was also known as the negro movement