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History Timeline
Camp David Accords
Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and US President Jimmy Carter signed the Camp David Accords on September 17th, 1978. It was a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt and called for relations to begin for the 2 nations. -
Operation Cyclone
Jimmy Carter secretly used $500 million dollars to help create a terrorist movement. The goal was to spread radical Islam and negatively affect Russia an a result. The CIA ultimately put 4 billion dollars toward this program by finding students and sending them to Islamic Training Schools we had funded to turn them into Jihadi warriors. However many of these students ended up becoming members of Al-Quadea. -
Oil Embargo
President Carter decided that we shall not buy any more oil from Iran in order to put economic pressures on their government. Another reason we should not get oil from them is because they are holding 63 American Diplomats hostage. 444 days later the hostages were released. -
Reagan's Europe Missiles
Ronald Reagan wanted to put cruise missiles in Western European countries. This was opposed by the USSR with a multitude of threats. However, Italy, Germany and Britain all voted to allow US missiles to be put in these countries. Eventually after a second proposed disarmament agreement from Reagan it was forced to be accepted by the USSR whom now realized they could not out power NATO in this event. -
Iran Contra Affair
The Reagan Administration secretely sold military supplies to Iran. These sales were against the embargo in place at the time given Iran was our enemy. Our goal in doing this was to get hostages released and use the money to support the Contras in Nicuragua. However this resulted in 11 of Reagan's administration members getting convicted. -
INF Treaty
Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was signed by Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. This treaty eliminated nearly 2,700 missiles. Terms included 10 years of on site inspection. The agreement took two years to reach. -
Reagan Doctrine
This was the main strategy America used in efforts to end the Cold War. American backed anti communist guerrila fighters and other anti communist movements in effort to weaken Russia and "Roll Back" the influence of communism. This strategy and ideology led to many of Reagans other foreign policy's and eventually the end of the Cold War. -
Invasion of Panama
United States invades Panama in hopes of overthrowing military dictator Manuel Noriega, he was accused of drug trafficking and suppressing democracy. He surrendered January 3rd, 1990. -
German Reunification Under Bush
After the fall of the Berlin Wall George Bush supports German reunification, German power was a concern in Europe though, the agreement that was eventually reached consisted of Germany becoming part of the EU and NATO to prevent abuse of power in the central European country. -
Somalia Intervention
Lame Duck president George Bush sends 28,000 troops into Somalia to help starving Somalis, Bill Clinton furthered this motion by remaining in Somalia and hunting down the leaders responsible for the conditions in Somalia. When Bush set the mission off it was strictly humanitarian, with no US benefits to come from it, but only to help Somalia. However many Somalis did not support this American decision. -
NAFTA, Short for North American Free Trade Agreement was an agreemt signed by Bill Clinton, Canada and Mexico. The agreement was made in hopes of removing barriers between trading with North American countries. It avoided high taxation on imports and exports in North America. This ultimitely hurt America because it led to a lot of outsourcing of American Jobs due to cheaper work in Mexico. -
START Treaty
START, short for Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, was proposed by Reagan and ended up being a treaty signed by Bush. It set a limit to the warhead count Russia could have. It was signed in 1991, began in 1994, and it was a 15 year treaty. However it allows the option to renew it in 5 year incriments after the 15 years. A successor to the start treaty was last negotiated by Obama in 2010. The picture included is from the 2010 renegotiation. -
Dayton Peace Agreement
This was the agreement that ended the Bosnian war. The war lasted 3 and a half years. The agreement was signed in Paris but agreed upon in Dayton at the Air Force base hence how the agreement got its name. Operation Joint Endeavor soon followed this agreement. -
Operation Joint Endeavor
US and allied forces were sent to keep the peace in Bosnia. 20,000 US soldiers were sent to support the Dayton Peace Accords. It was mandated that they held peace in Bosnia for 1 year. This was NATO led.