Late Cold War/Multi-polar 90's

  • Helsinki Final Act

    Helsinki Final Act
    The Helsinki Final Act of the Conference of Security and Co-operation in Europe was held. In this were 35 countries that signed a declaration in attempt to approve relations between the Communist bloc and the West. Those involved included the USA, Canada, the Soviet Union and all European states except 2. The document is seen as a huge step toward reducing Cold War tensions and a major diplomatic boost for the Soviet Union. All in all, they all hoped to create stronger friendships.
  • Iran Seizes US Hostages

    Iran Seizes US Hostages
    The United States had always been a supporter or the Shah of Iran. When the Shah arrived in the United States for medical treatment it was around October. In November 41,979 created a mob of Iranian students.They attacked the United States embassy & took people as their hostages.For a year this hostage crisis dominated US policy. President Carter's number one priority was to release the US hostages.After many attempts, he did not succeed.When President Regan was elected they were finally let go.
  • Boycott of the Summer Olympics

    Boycott of the Summer Olympics
    Jimmy Carter issued a statement saying that if troops did not withdraw from Afghanistan there was going to be a boycott. It involved the U.S. and 64 other countries and regions. These 65 countries and regions did not take part in the Moscow Olympics due to troops not being withdrawn.The outcome of this was that these countries took part in their own games that they called Liberty Bell Classic that was held in Philadelphia. Events in Moscow were hit hard when some countries weren't there.
  • Caribbean Basin Initiative

    Caribbean Basin Initiative
    The Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI) was a temporary program that was created to have trade benefits for America and Caribean countries.The Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Expansion Act of 1990, known as "CBI II", made the CBI permanent. Due to other acts that came along after these, those who were apart of the CBI no longer had trading rights with Mexico. Overall the CBI helped with trade benefits for many countries.
  • Bombing In Beirut

    Bombing In Beirut
    Over 200 of the US marines were killed when a truck loaded with explosives crashed into the US marine compound in Beirut Airport. In response to this Americans withdrew themselves but soon came back as an ally to Lebanon. Once they were again in Beirut, Moslem, with the support of Syria, began to actively harass American forces, engaging them with sniper fire and occasional artillery fire. Over and over again events like this happened until finally the US was forced to withdraw troops for good.
  • Soviet Union is the "evil empire"

    Soviet Union is the "evil empire"
    President Regan referred to the Soviet Union as the "evil empire" for the first time during his speech on March 8th. He used this to match how their strategic and global military capabilities. This characterization angered the Soviet Union and many of its leaders. Using these terms in his speech's showed the United States escalation in the Cold War. Through these speeches, the Reagan administration used rhetoric to reshape public knowledge about and attitudes toward nuclear warfare.
  • Strategic Defense Initiative

    Strategic Defense Initiative
    The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) was a proposed missile defense system that was intended to protect the United States from attacks of any nuclear weapon. SDI was an important part of Regan's defense policy intended to end MAD. A nuclear deterrence strategy, as well as a strategic initiative to neutralize the military component of the Soviet Union's nuclear defenses.
  • 1984 Summer Olympics Boycott

    1984 Summer Olympics Boycott
    For the summer Olympics of 1984, they were held in the United States. 14 Eastern Bloc countries, including the Soviet Union, Cuba, and East Germany, boycotted the Games. Only Romania and Yugoslavia elected to attend. For different reasons, Iran and Libya also boycotted. There reasoning for not attending was that there was too much hysteria over the Soviet in the U.S. The boycotting countries led them to create a "Friendship Games" for all of them that took place July 28th- August 12th.
  • Geneva Summit Meeting

    Geneva Summit Meeting
    This meeting took place on November 19th & 20th, it was the meeting for the first time of President Regan and Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev. They held the meeting to talk about international diplomatic relations and arms race. Regan believed it was important to build relationships between leaders to help break tensions. Reagan's goal was to convince Gorbachev that America desired peace above all else.The impact of the first meeting led them to many more, where they discussed issues.
  • US responds to Libyan Terror

    US responds to Libyan Terror
    Millions of US soldiers were located in West Berlin when they were attacked by terrorist. The terrorist were from Libya. As a response to this attack on the United States, President Regan sends American plans to attack various targets that were in Libya. By the US troops attacking them, this made them hold back on their terrorist attacks in the West.
  • Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

    Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
    The treaty was signed in Washington, D.C. by President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev on December 8, 1987, the treaty was ratified by the United States Senate on May 27, 1988, and came into force on June 1, 1988. The signing of this treaty was looked at to be the ending of the Cold War itself. This treaty was placed to stop the use of nuclear weapons between the two countries and be at peace with one another.
  • Malta Summit Meeting

    Malta Summit Meeting
    This meeting was held between George H. W. Bush and Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev. The meeting took place just a few weeks after the fall of the Berlin wall.
  • Troops to Bosnia

    Troops to Bosnia
    After several years of fighting & the deaths of tens of thousands, leaders of the battling forces met on November 1 at the Wright-Patterson Airforce Base, outside Dayton, Ohio, to negotiate a peace settlement. The Dayton Accords were initiated twenty days later, effectively bringing about a conditional end to armed hostilities. Along with this, there was a strong effort to construct a stable political system.
  • US Leads Intervened In Kosovo

    US Leads Intervened In Kosovo
    The United States led NATO forces in a successful air campaign against Yugoslavia. The campaign's aim was to force the Yugoslavs to withdraw their forces, that were engaged in ethnic cleansing, from the province of Kosovo. After 78 days the Yugoslavs agreed to withdraw. NATO forces replaced the Yugoslavs in Kosovo.
  • Israel PLO Accord

    Israel PLO Accord
    The US took part in a small but important role in the agreement between Isreal and PLO. The two countries reached agreement, and signed off on this treaty in the white house, also calling this role the "Oslo I". Two years after this agreement had been signed. "Oslo II" was signed in Washington. Shortly after the signings of both of these in the United States, Prime Minister was assassinated by a Jewish zealot who did not agree with the signing of the Oslo's.