Ancient europe

Late Antiquity Europe

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    St. Paul

    St. Paul
    He was a Christian missionary. Originally he was a Jewish Roman citizen but he converted into christianity. His books and teaching helped and inspired individuals to spread christianity
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    First water mill invented

    First water mill invented
    The water mill was invented in Greek. it uses hydropower to grind grains. it made a big change in farming and food economy.
  • Period: 235 to 650

    Late Antiquity Europe

    all of these events happened in this society and in this time period.
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    Constantine the Great

    Constantine the Great
    Constantine the Great became the emperor of Rome that converted to christianity also he was sent East, where he rose through the ranks to become a military tribune under Emperors Diocletian and Galerius.
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    Splitting of Roman Empire

    Splitting of Roman Empire
    In that time the Roman Empire expanded rapidly because of raiding and taking over other countries/regions so they couldn't govern a massive area like that, that's why they split it into two empires the Western and the Eastern Empire. They governed the Eastern Empire from Byzantium (later Constantinople) and the Western Empire governed from Rome.
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    Birth of Augustine of Hippo

    Birth of Augustine of Hippo
    He was a Philosopher, his writing influenced the development of Western Christianity and Western philosophy. Some quotes from him: "The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page."
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    Attila the Hun

    Attila the Hun
    he was the leader of the leader of the hungarian barbarians. He and his army swept across europe destroying villages and towns while conquering them. He was Romes most feared opponent.
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    The sack of Rome

    The sack of Rome
    It happened because Rome was raided by the Visigoths led by King Alaric. When this happened Rome wasn't the capital of the Western Empire anymore that's why it had less protection and couldnt beat the raiders
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    Migration of German, Hun and Slav tribes

    Migration of German, Hun and Slav tribes
    The moving of these nations mentioned above was because of the barbarian invasion of the Romans and the Greek in the 5th century.