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Last Forty Years Presidents

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    Last Forty Years

  • Camp David Accord (Jimmy Carter)

    Camp David Accord (Jimmy Carter)
    Peace treaty made between Egypt and Israel with the help of US President Jimmy Carter. This was the first treaty to be made between Israel and any of its neighboring Arab countries.
  • Iran Hostage Crisis (Jimmy Carter)

    Iran Hostage Crisis (Jimmy Carter)
    Iranian citizens took several Americans hostage in Iran when the Iranian citizens started a revolution and overtook the US Embassy. The Americans were held hostage for over a year, which hurt Carter's presidency.
  • Assassination Attempt (Ronald Reagan)

    Assassination Attempt (Ronald Reagan)
    John Hickley, Jr. attempted to shoot and kill President Ronald Reagan after giving a speech in D.C. He suffered a punctured lung and internal bleeding, but recovered quickly. 2 others besides Reagan were shot, but no one died.
  • Sandra Day O'Connor Nominated (Ronald Reagan)

    Sandra Day O'Connor Nominated (Ronald Reagan)
    Reagan nominated Sandra Day O'Connor for the seat of retired Potter Stewart on the Supreme Court Justice. She became the first woman to sit on the Supreme Court.
  • Challenger Tragedy (Ronald Reagan)

    Challenger Tragedy (Ronald Reagan)
    The space shuttle Challenger broke apart and exploded 73 seconds after lift off. All seven crew members died, including a school teacher. Reagan postponed his State of the Union speech the day this happened and instead gave a speech about this tragedy.
  • Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (Ronald Reagan)

    Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (Ronald Reagan)
    This treaty was signed by US President Ronald Reagan and the Soviet Union's General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev. It eliminated nuclear and conventional ground-launched missiles within 300-3400 miles.
  • "Read my lips: NO NEW TAXES" (George H.W. Bush)

    "Read my lips: NO NEW TAXES" (George H.W. Bush)
    The night Bush accepted his nomination to be the Republican Presidential Candidate, he said this: "Read my lips, NO NEW TAXES." He ended up raising taxes once he won the presidency, which most think cost him his re-election.
  • Berlin Wall Falls (George H.W. Bush)

    Berlin Wall Falls (George H.W. Bush)
    The Berlin Wall in Germany falls, which ends the Communist rule in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Cheers erupted worldwide as the wall fell.
  • Lewinsky Scandal (Bill Clinton)

    Lewinsky Scandal (Bill Clinton)
    News spreads that President Clinton had an affair with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky in 1998. Clinton denied having any sexual relations with her, but she claimed she had evidence that they had sexual relations. This scandal led to the attempt to impeach Clinton.
  • Impeachment (Bill Clinton)

    Impeachment (Bill Clinton)
    The House attempts to impeach Clinton because of pergury and obstruction of justice. Pergury because he lied about having sexual relations with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky, and obstruction of justice for the same reason. The impeachment failed to remove him from office.