Last 50 Years of the 20th Century

  • Oil growth in Alberta

    Oil growth in Alberta
    An oil well is drilled in Alberta and oil was discovered causing a growth in drilling and removing oil changing the economy.
  • NewFoundLand Joins Canada

    NewFoundLand Joins Canada
    NewFoundland went bankrupt and joined Canada.
  • First Canadian troops Arrive in Korea

    First Canadian troops Arrive in Korea
    Canada sent troops overseas to under the United Nations in Korea.
  • Period: to

    Baby Boom

    Many more children were born causing an explosion in the population in Canada.
  • Period: to

    Canada became more Culturally diverse.

    Many more people immigrated to Canada and brought their way of life with them and changed the way Canada was.
  • Cobalt-60 Radiation Therapy

    Cobalt-60 Radiation Therapy
    Harold Johns invented the Radiation treatment for cancer nicknamed Cobalt Bomb. It was installed for the first time in October 23 1951.
  • CBC went on air

    CBC went on air
    CBC the first Canadian television station firs went on air and this brought a new era of communication.
  • The First Personal Computer made

    The First Personal Computer made
    IBM made the first personal computer and later more were made and used in more places such as schools and offices.
  • Canada has a United Nations Peace Keeping Force

    Canada has a United Nations Peace Keeping Force
    War over control of Suez Canal in Egypt, Canada had a Peace Keeping Force under the United Nations.
  • Phyllis Cormack Protest Against Bomb Testing

    Phyllis Cormack Protest Against Bomb Testing
    Phyllis Cormack was a boat that went to protest against a bomb being tested on an island. This lead to more organizations such as Greenpeace.
  • Terry Fox

    Terry Fox
    Terry Fox Starts his Marathon of Hope which lead to funding for more cancer research, and inspired more people to do similar things.
  • American Space Shuttle Challenger had the First Canadian go into Space.

    American Space Shuttle Challenger had the First Canadian go into Space.
    Marc Garneau was the first Canadian to enter space on the Space Shuttle Challenger.
  • Rick Hansen

    Rick Hansen
    He did a 40 000 km trip around the world in a wheel chair to try and raise money for spine research.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The wall that divided Germany East and West came down.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    The World Wide Web was invented in 1990, this is what started the internet that we are familiar with today.
  • Native Nations Started to gain more Rights

    Native Nations Started to gain more Rights
    Judges started to uphold more of the rights of the Native Nations.
  • Cod Fishing Grew Smaller on the Grand Banks

    Cod Fishing Grew Smaller on the Grand Banks
    Cod was being over fished and so they had to stop fishing, after the area had been fished for over 500 years.
  • Kim Campbell is Prime Minister

    Kim Campbell is Prime Minister
    Kim Campbell was the first woman to be Prime minister in Canada
  • Computer Panic at the Turn of the Century

    Computer Panic at the Turn of the Century
    At the turn to the year 2000 people panicked because they weren't certain if computers would crash because they could not input the new year, programmers managed to resolve the issue before it could have happened.
  • Nunavut Became Part of Canada

    Nunavut Became Part of Canada
    Nunavut became he third territory of Canada