
Last 40 yearss

By ah18368
  • National speed limit

    National speed limit
    During 1973 oil crisis was at it's highest. Carter set a speed limit of 55 nation wide. Therefore, people would save gas.
  • Camp David accords

    Camp David accords
    Jimmy carter set a peace treaty with egypt and isreal. They have been having conflict for many years about the land.
  • Assasination attempt

    Assasination attempt
    Reagan was going to be assasinated but he survived. He was shot and since he survived it is said that he broke the 20 year cruse.
  • STI

    Reagan gave a speech about an idea he had. He invisioned a way to defend the u.s from necluear bombs by putting a defense method in outer space.
  • Space Launch Blew Up

    Space Launch Blew Up
    During Reagans presidency, They were launching the space shuttle that was going to take off but the shuttle was a fail and blew up.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    Ronald Reagan gave a famous speech. He used the famous line "Tear down this wall!"
  • Berlin Wall Falls

    Berlin Wall Falls
    During H.W bush presidency, The Berlin Wall finally fell and that was the end of the sovet union and Eastern Europe communism.
  • Largest tax increase

    Largest tax increase
    Even though Bush promised "No New Taxes" the llrgest increase in taxes occured during his presidency.
  • Balanced Budget

    Balanced Budget
    Bill clinton used the Omnibus Budget reconciliation. And he was one of the few president to balance the budget. We weren't in debt nor profiting.
  • N.A.F.T.A

    President Clinton signed the North American Free Trade agreement. Canada, U.S, and Mexico allowing trade bloc.
  • impeachment

    The lewinsky case caused scandal in the white house. And many other affairs caused people ot question it. But when Clinton was under oath and swore he didnt have affairs with that lady. This caused people to question his credibity.
  • Terrorist Attack

    Terrorist Attack
    On September 11, 2001, during Predident W Bush presidency, a terrorist attack happened in New york. The World trade centers were stiked by airplanes. The air planes were highjacked and the pentagon was the next goal.