39 jimmy carter

Last 35 years

  • Election

    Jimmy Carter ran against Gerald Ford, winning the popular vote by 2 million votes.
  • Jimmy Carter

    Jimmy Carter
    39th President, he successfully mediated talks between Israel and Egypt and he failed to get the hostages out of Iran.
  • Election

    Ronald Reagan ran against Jimmy Carter, winning because Jimmy Carter's weakness.
  • Ronald Reagan

    Ronald Reagan
    40th president of the United States, he worked with Mikhail Garbaches who had recently come into power and helped bring democratic and social reforms to the Soviet Union.
  • Election

    George H.W. Bush ran against Michael Dukakis, Bush won, becoming the first serving V.P. to become president since Martin Van Buren in 1836, and he would only last one term.
  • Persian Gulf War

    Saddam claimed that Kuwait belonged to Iraq, so they invaded Kuwait. They were told to withdraw and refused, so President Bush launched Operation Desert Storm. A cease-fire was announced Feb 28, 1991.
  • Election

    Bill Clinton went against Bush, whose approval rating had recently just dropped because he was forced to raise taxes after a recession, and Ross Perot, winning against them.
  • Bill Clinton

    Bill Clinton
    42nd President, hekept the economy extremely strong and balanced his budget well. Unemployment fell and the stock market soaed, and he also helped improve relations with Russia and China
  • Election

    George W. Bush went against Al Gore, beating him after a recount of electoral votes, Al Gore won the popular vote.
  • 9/11

    Islamic terrorists that were part of Al-Qaeda flew 2 planes into the World Trade Center, a plane into the Pentagon and one crashed outside of Philadelphia, roughly 3,000 were killed
  • Invasion of Iraq

    Almost 2 years after the attack on 9/11, American and British forces invaded Iraq under the assumption that Saddam Hussein had WMD's, but none were found. Sadam was found, tried, and executed in 2006.
  • Election

    Barack Obama ran against John McCain, winning, becoming the first black President in US history.