Larry page was born on March, in ann arbor, michign
Sergey Brin was born on August, in Moscow, russia.
Larry Pagy attended the university of michigan to study computer engineering and received his Bachelor of science degree with honors.
Larry Page and sergey Brin produce a paper, ''Anatomy of a Larry-Scale hypertextual web Search engine, '' became the basis for the Google search engine.
August - The first version of Goole is released on the stanford web. the address: google stanford edu.
They called the search engine Google after the mathematical term ''Googol,'' which is a a number that is equal to 1 followed by 100 zeros and expressed as 10100 which they felt reflected their mission to organize the massive amount amount of informati ava
Google became an official corporation. The company's mission statement was ''to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful'' and the company's unofficial slogan was ''Don't be evil.
Google opened its first office in palo alto and later moved to bayshore drie in nearby mountain view.
Froeign language versions of Google.com were released in french, German, italian, swedish, finnish, spanish, portuguese, dutch, Norwegian, danish, chinese, japanese and korean.
iGoogle became a public cmpany on august , trading on the NASDAQ stock exchange as GOOG.
Google moved to its new Mountain view campus which was nicknamed Googleplex.
Google Maps, Google Earth, and iGoogle were released.
Google purchased You Tube.
Gmail became available to the general public on february.
Google launched Chrome, its first web browser.
Google released an Android phone under under its own company name called the Nexus one.
March- the new Google 1+ is launched.