Earliest Known Writing- Cuneiform is translated
The earlist known instance of cuneiform Is dated around 4000 BC. there are other instances of manmade symbols dating back to 7000 BC, but cuniform is the first known "Proto-Language".
(please ignore given date in title) -
Phoenician Language
This language is the ancestor of Cuneiform. This language later broke off to form the greek, arabic, and Latin languages. -
Chinese Bronze age- modern chinese forms
Chinese, along with most other asian languages, formed with almost no interference from the phonecian language, leading to many cultural differences. despite this, the chinese language has gone nearly unchanged for several thousand years. -
any date to the left of this point is innacurate.
here are the corrected approximate dates:
Cuneiform- 4000 BC
Phoenecian- 1300 BC
Chinese- 14-1500 BC -
Jan 1, 700
Latin Language arises
nearly all european languages- english, spainish, french, Italian, ect- emerged from the Latin script. Despite being considered a dead language today, It is still used in science today, along with being a language that can be used to smplify communication between the aforementioned langauges. -
Dec 1, 1443
Sejong the great- korean alphabet
King Sejong, a ruler of korea, decided to give his country its own original national language, instead of using the chinese alphabet. He made his court create a language that was easy to learn. this alphabet, called hangul, is still used today, and an english speaker can learn the basics of this language in only about thirty minutes. -
Sep 3, 1550
'Modern' english
This is the form of english that people like William shakespere would have used. It is the oldest form of written english that is easily understood by anyone fluent in todays english.