Language Timeline

  • Born

    Born in the town of Fajardo raised and exposed to dominant language of parents and its culture. Dominant Language Spanish
  • Immigrating

    Traveled to New York. Parents choice of language was to raise in native dominant language for them. Exposure and acquisition to a second language to be learned outside and at school. Spanish at home/ Second language exposure through interactions in the community and formal education at school.
    Chapter 5 talks about language choices considered as conscious,subconscious and spontaneous decisions. Also in this chapter types of simultaneous language acquisiton are discussed and categorized.
  • Returning

    Decided to come back to Puerto Rico. Stage: storage of two languages for understanding and speaking develop simultaneouly. Speaking and writing abilities were dominant in the language being acquired. Absence of writing abilities in native language was present in all writing processess.
    Example. Spanish language being used in listening,speaking and reading at home,community, culture, interactions and formal education. Writing skill recieved in foirmal education.
  • Junior High

    Junior High
    Completed Junior High School: Language difficulties in language skills specially in reading and writing. Ability and use of the native language situation was shifted. Started a deveolpment stage of both skills where the language acquire was stored and not used or practiced. Second language was target to be reinforced in school.
  • High School

    High School
    Graduated from Gautier Benitez High School in Caguas. Dominant language continued is deveopmental processes in all four abilities; listening.speaking, reading and writing. Absence of exposure of second language and having problems to maintain and develop fluency of the second language learned and avoid lost of a language.
  • University

    Started my Bachelors degree at Interamerican University. Second langauge was stored and passed to a passive competence. Reading skilsl started to arise and improve due to readings in English textbooks.
  • Timeout

    Stopped studying, found my first job and started to work. Second language was forced to spoken due to work requirements and means of labor relationship and communication aspects. Then moved from linquistic to comunicative competence. Example Using English to communicate with employment personel and Spanish to interact with colleagues. In Chapter 1 talks about key points when when the use of a second language is used two for different people,contexts and purposes.
  • Reflection

    Decided to continue my studies. Second language was stored for many years with out using the four language skills.
  • Graduation

    Obtained my Bachellors Degree. Second langauge in a passive competence way using academic language skills for social linquistic purposes.
  • Department of Education

    Department of Education
    Started to work for the Department of Education: Language stored use for communication purposes and formal academic instruction. Changes concerning the use of a second language again arise again in order to function effectively at work practicing all four language skills.
  • Masters

    Submitted my masters degree plan
  • Certification

    English certification completed at University of Turabo
  • Certification

    Startedto study for my Bilingual Certification
  • Graduation

    Obtained my Bachellors degree