January - Announcement of plans to make Russian an official language and compulsory in schools sparks months of mass protests which end only when the scheme is shelved. -
Trans-Dniester authorities agree to allow resumption of Russian withdrawal in exchange for a Russian promise to cut gas debts. -
OSCE extends deadline for withdrawal of Russian weapons from Trans-Dniester until end of 2003. The deadline is later extended into 2004. Russia says its troops will stay until a settlement is reached. -
President Voronin pulls out of signing Russian-proposed deal on Trans-Dniester settlement following protests by nationalists who say it gives too much influence to Russia. -
Dispute over closures of Moldovan-language schools in Trans-Dniester using Latin rather than Cyrillic script. Moldova imposes economic sanctions on region and pulls out of talks on its status. -
Defence Minister Gaiciuc dismissed in row over thefts from arms depots. -
Communist Party tops poll in parliamentary elections. Vladimir Voronin begins second term as president. -
Parliament backs a Ukrainian plan for Trans-Dniester region autonomy within Moldova, calls on Russia to withdraw troops by end of year