F 099

Language Policy Timeline

  • Elementary in Spanish vs High School in English

    All closes in Elementary School were spouse to be in Spanish.
    All classes in High School were supposed to be in English.
  • English Official Language

    1902-1904- The government wanted English to be the official language.
  • Prohibition

    1905- 1913- Spanish was not used in schools.
  • 1905- 1913- Hard Times

    If teachers did not pass the “Annual English Test” they could not be hired again by the Department the next year.
  • Changes through time

    1915- Spanish was mandatory as the medium of teaching.
  • A Combined Curriculum

    1916-1934-Half of the classes were in English the other half in Spanish.
  • Huyke- English taking over the schools

    1921-1930- The Secretary of Education wanted English to be sued on the daily basis including teachers meetings.
  • Jose Padin- Secretary of the Department of Education

    1930- Jose Padin wanted Spanish to be used in schools. He stated that, “English is foreign language, and it is a second language.”
  • Gallardo - Secretary of the Department of Education

    He tried to implement a bilingual program, but several protests did not let him.
  • So many changes, in so little time

    1942- Spanish was taught until 6th grade then 7-12 in English.
  • More changes in the Bilingual Education

    Spanish was taught until 9th grade, then English was taught from 10-12 th grade.
  • Spanish all the way

    The new Secretary of Education Dr. Mariano Villaronga he stated that all clases should be in Spanish and will be taught from 1- 12 grade.
  • The Bilingual Project

    1980- 1984- Governor Carlos Romero Barceló changed the programs to Bilingual Projects. Also he started the the Bilingual Certifications
  • First New Projects

    The government sends teachers to study English in the U.S.

    The most important requirement to be a teacher was to speak English.
  • Only Spanish

    1991- Governor Rafael Colon made Spanish the official language in Puerto Rico.
  • Two Languages

    Governor Pedro Rosello made English and Spanish official.
  • First steps on getting bilingual teachers

    1898-1990- All teachers should know English.
  • The Present Time looks Bilingual

    The Schools for the 21 Centuries are implementing bilingual curriculums and there is one in almost all cities in P.R. Puerto Rico aims to become fully bilingual by 2022. Teachers are earning their Bilingual Certifications.