Language Milestone

  • Born

    Form: squealing, wailing, and gurgling
    Content: continuous crying when she's hungry, making sound while sleeping, burp when finish eating.
    Use: "coo-coo" while smiling when seeing mommy in the room, wailing when needing to change diapers, crying when need the attention or cuddle
  • 6 Months

    6 Months
    Form: laughing, crying, babbling
    Content: continuous crying when she's need diaper changing or when need to sleep, burp when finish eating food
    Use: crying that her diaper need to change, chewing on teething toys that they are hungry, learning how to balance themselves by standing, sitting, etc.
  • 12 Month Old

    12 Month Old
    Form:" ma-ma" for moms, sign "more" for more food or drink, pointing out body parts "where is your belly button" and they point it
    Content: being able to say the first word, holding a cup as in wanting a drink or need a drink, learning how to take turn such as rolling a ball or passing stuff
    Use: balance themselves to learn how to walk, climbing on things, signing to communicate with mom
  • 18 Months

    18 Months
    Form: "hi/bye" as greeting, "no" whenever she didn't want, "yes" when she want something, "mom" when need our attention, "more" when she want more.
    Content: walking/running, being able to eat independently, take a nap, when she tired, grab a toy when she want or getting bored, begin potty training
    Use: signs when she is hungry, they need to change diaper by saying "I poop", "NO" when not want to be tickle, "MOM" when grabbing attention, hitting when they are upset, using hands when eating food
  • 24 months

    24 months
    Form: "I want more...", "I need to potty", "I'm tired", "I'm sorry", "Hi momma", "play time!"
    Content: being able to use silverware, Try to change clothes, went potty by herself, play with toys, talk full sentence, going to sleep herself
    Use: silverware to eat food, drink out of cup, change shirt, using the toilet, play with toy, using their own imagination.
  • 30 months

    30 months
    Form: "I want more...", "yes please", "thank you", I'm sorry", "I need to potty!", "Time to go home"
    Content: "I want more.." she need or want more, "yes please", when asking politely, "Thank you" as her magic words, "I'm sorry" when she did something wrong/bad. "I need to potty" when needing to go use the restroom, "Time to go home" when needing to be home.
    Use: magic words when being polite, using the toilet, able to express their feelings, drawing, start the conversation, changing clothes
  • 36 months

    36 months
    Form: "I love you", "Good morning/night", "I'm hungry/thirsty", "Let go!", "I do not like it" "I like it"
    Content: saying I love you when feeling loved, telling us good morning and good night, being able to tell us when she is hungry/thirsty, being able to tell us what she likes and dislike, able to tell us how she is feeling, and being able to informs about her day
    Use: pouring drink in cup, using steps to grab something from high ground, change clothes, put on shoes, use scissor, signing
  • 42 months

    42 months
    Form: "wabbit", "tink", "it can fly", "yand", the word 'though' becomes 'dough', "Truck is big"
    Content: "I never saw it before", "I know it", calling round things 'ball', "Birds lay eggs", "I'm almost here", asks questions with 'who, what, when, where'
    Use: understand indirect requests better when speaker uses pointing, learn how to take turns in conversations, "Oh! Spill!", begins using more narratives, "I smashed him more" instead of "I was mad", "My leg is tired of walking"
  • 48 Months/4 Years Old

    48 Months/4 Years Old
    Form: "School was fun", "I like that", "(Their name)/(Friend's Name)", "Don't do that", "That's mine!", "Here you go"
    Content: knowing their name/friends name, saying what is theirs, being able to rhyme, taking turns when talking, accurately describes things, can start the conversation instead of prompting
  • 54 Months

    Form: (bird-birds), (it can fly-it is flying), "Good Morning mom", "Let go", "Its here!", "Lets eat I'm hungry"
    Content: "I fell down at the park", "The dog bit me", "tall-short", uses interpretive functions, deictic terms (here and this), recognizes differences between sentences
    Use: describes experiences, describes minor injuries, encouraged to tell stories, uses adverbial time phrases, expect conversation to be consistent, learns physical opposites before abstract.
  • 60 months/ 5 year old

    60 months/ 5 year old
    Form: "I don't like this game. Let's play a new one.", "C/N did this because C/N did this.", "Put shoes on so we don't get wet.", "That's (descriptor)", "I like this because...", "That is so much fun."
    Content: knows full name, knows the name of friends and buildings, describes things in detail, shares likes/dislikes, display affection, describes feeling more often
    Use: can put food on plate, dress themselves, communicate wants, pours liquid in cups, communicate clearly, describes events of day